Friday, March 30, 2012

Some important facts of human body

Some important facts of human body

1. Length of Alimentary Canal— Approximately 8 metres.

2. B.M.R. (Basal Metabolic Rate) 1600 K. Cal/day.

3. Number cells in body—75 trillion

4. Longest Bone—Femur (Thigh bone)

5. Smallest Bone—Ear ossicle, stapes

6. Weight of brain—1400 gms

7. Blood volume—5-6 litres (in 70 kg body)

8. Normal B. P. 120/80 mm Hg.

9. Number of R.B.C.

(a) In male 5-5-5 million/cubic mm.

(b) In female 4-5-5 million/cubic mm.

11. Life Span of R.B.C. 120 days.

12. Normal W.B.C. Count—5000-11000/cubic mm.

13. Life span of W.B.C. 2-5 days

14. D.L.C. (Differential leucocyte count)

(a) Basophils—0-5-1%

(b) Eosinophils—1-3%

(c) Monocytes—3-8%

(d) Neutrophils 40-70%

(e) Lymphocytes 20-25%

15. Blood Platelets Count 2,00,000-4,00,000/Cubic mm.

16. Haemoglobin %

(a) In male 14-18 gm/100 c.c. of blood

(b) In female 12-16 gm/100 c.c. of blood

17. Hb Content in body : 500-700 gm.

18. Universal blood donor : O Rh - ve

19. Universal Blood recipient : AB

20. Blood Clotting time : 2-5 minutes.

21. Average Body weight : 70 kgm.

22. Normal body temperature : 98-4°F

23. Breathing rate : 16-20/minutes.

24. Number of Cranial nerves— 12 pairs, number of spinal nerve 31 pairs.

25. Largest endocrine gland—Thyroid.

26. Gestation period—9 months (253-266 days).

27. Normal heart beat—72-75/minutes.

28. Largest gland—Liver.

29. Largest muscles in the body—Gluteus maximus (Buttock musclc)

30. Smallest muscle in the body—Stepedius.

31. Largest artery—Abdominal aorta.

32. Largest vein—Inferior venacava.

33. Largest W.B.C. Monocyte.

34(a). Smallest W.B.C.—Lymphocytes.

35. Greatest regeneration Power—In Liver.

36. Longest nerve—Sciatic.

37. Longest Cell—Neuron (Nerve cell)

38. Menstrual Cycle—28 days.

39. Menopause age—45-50 years.

40. Minimum regeneration Power—in Brain cells.

41. Minimum distance for proper vision—25 cm.

42. Type of Placenta—Haemochorial (Chorio- allantoic)

43. Pulse Rate—72/minute.

44. Volume of Semen—2-4 ml/ejaculation

45. Normal Sperm count—200-350 million/ejaculation.

46. ESR (normal Erythrocyte sedimentation rate)—4-10 min/hour.

47. Thioest skin—Conjunctiva (eyelid)

48. pH of Gastric juice—1-4

49. pH of urine— 6 0

50. pH of blood—7.35-7.45

51. pH of Bile—7.5

52. pH of Pancreatic juice— 8.5

53. Total number of muscles in to body—639

54. Total number of bones In the body—206

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