Friday, March 30, 2012

Some hormonal diseases in human

Some hormonal diseases in human

Due to change of life style, food habit, mental anxiety and so other things hormonal regulations are being changed. Hormonal imbalance leads to several complex and incurable diseases. In this try, I am providing some terms/diseases in human being due to hormonal problems or loss of hormonal regulation which are as follows:

1. Acromegaly—Due to Hypersecretion of growth hormone or S.T.H. in adult from anterior lobe of pituitary.

2. Adrenal virilism—Due to Hypersecretion of androgen from adrenal cortex.

3. Addison's disease—Due to Hyposecretion of Glucocorticoids from adrenal cortex.

4. Dwarfism—Due to Hyposecretion of S.T.H. or G.H. in children.

5. Cretinism—Due to Hyposecretion of thyruxin in children from thyroid gland.

6. Cushing's syndrome—Due to Hypersecretion of Glucocorticoids.

7. Diabetes insipidus or Polyuria insipida—Due to Hyposecretion of A.D.H. or vasopressin from posterior lobe of pituitary.

8. Diabetes mellitus—Due to Hyposecretion of Insulin from Islets of Langerhans.

9. Goiter—Due to Hyposecretion of thyroxin from thyroid.

10. Grave's disease or Exophthalmic goitre or Basedow's disease—Due to Hypersecretion of thyroxin from thyroid.

11. Hashimoto's disease—Due to Hyposecretion of thyroxin from thyroid.

12. Myxedema—Due to Hyposecretion of thyroxin from thyroid.

13. Plummer's disease—Due to Hypersecretion of Thyroxin from Thyroid.

14. Tetany—Due to Hyposecretion of Parathormone from Parathyroid.

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