Saturday, August 27, 2011

JPSC Releases the Cut off Marks for 4th PT Examination

JPSC Releases the Cut off Marks for 4th PT Examination

Ranchi, Aug, 23: Jharkhand Public Service Commission has released the cut off marks for the 4th PT examination.

The intense protest of students in front of JPSC and CM residence had forced the commission to release the cut off marks.

Students are asking to release more result at least 15000 to make it balance because most of the question in various optional are repeated from the previous year questions of UPSC so it has given additional advantage to the students who is preparing for the UPSC.

GEN - 241.2707,
FEMALE GEN. -241.2809
Handicap Gen - 183.5803,
ST - 178.6549,
ST GEN- 178.6549,
Blind SC - 82.9345,
Blind ST - 132.7756,
Handicap ST- 167.7296,
SC- 203.3936,
Female-SC - 203.4484,
BC (1) - 199.7894,
Female BC 1- 199.7894,
Blind BC 1- 149.8042,
BC2 190.1916,
Female BC 2 - 227.2631,
Blind BC 2 - 212.3377

Thursday, August 25, 2011

संविदा शिक्षकों पर शासन मेहरबान

संविदा शिक्षकों पर शासन मेहरबान

लखनऊ, 23 अगस्त (जाब्यू) : अशासकीय सहायता प्राप्त कॉलेजों में स्ववित्तपोषित पाठ्यक्रमों को पढ़ाने के लिए संविदा पर नियुक्त शिक्षकों पर शासन मेहरबान है। ऐसे शिक्षकों को कॉलेजों के प्रबंधतंत्र द्वारा कम वेतन के भुगतान की शिकायतों का संज्ञान लेते हुए शासन ने इस समस्या से निपटने के लिए नया आदेश जारी किया है। नए शासनादेश के मुताबिक अशासकीय सहायता प्राप्त कॉलेजों में स्ववित्तपोषित पाठ्यक्रमों से शुल्क के रूप में जो आमदनी होती है, उसे एक ही बैंक के एक ही खाते में रखा जाएगा और हर महीने विभिन्न पाठ्यक्रमों की सकल आय की 75 से 80 फीसदी धनराशि शिक्षकों के वेतन पर खर्च की जाएगी। इस व्यवस्था को सुनिश्चित करने के लिए खाते का संचालन कॉलेज के प्रबंधक और प्राचार्य के संयुक्त हस्ताक्षर से किया जाएगा। इस खाते का आवश्यक रूप से ऑडिट कराया जाएगा और प्रबंधतंत्र को हर साल 30 जून तक विश्वविद्यालय व शासन को ऑडिट रिपोर्ट उपलब्ध करानी होगी। शासनादेश में यह भी व्यवस्था की गई है कि यदि संविदा पर नियुक्त शिक्षक का कार्य व आचरण संतोषजनक हो और उसके विरुद्ध कोई अनुशासनिक कार्यवाही नहीं चल रही हो तो प्रबंधतंत्र संबंधित विश्वविद्यालय के अनुमोदन से शिक्षकों की संविदा का नवीनीकरण अपने स्तर से करते रहेंगे। शिक्षक के खिलाफ कोई प्रतिकूल परिस्थिति उत्पन्न होने पर संबंधित विश्वविद्यालय के कुलपति का निर्णय अंतिम होगा। शिक्षकों की संविदा अवधि बढ़ाने के लिए अब तक जो व्यवस्था प्रचलित थी उसके तहत पांच वर्ष की पहली संविदा समाप्त होने पर प्रबंधतंत्र फिर से चयन की कार्यवाही शुरू करने से पहले साफ सुथरी छवि वाले शिक्षकों के नाम पर निश्चित रूप से विचार करेगा और उनकी संविदा का अगले पांच साल के लिए नवीनीकरण किया जाएगा। अब तक प्रचलित व्यवस्था के तहत संविदा के नवीनीकरण के लिए पूर्व में कार्यरत शिक्षकों को साक्षात्कार में शामिल करने या विश्वविद्यालय से उनके नाम अनुमोदित कराने की जरूरत नहीं थी। शासन ने संविदा शिक्षकों को सभी अनुदानित कॉलेजों की उत्तरपुस्तिकाओं के मूल्यांकन की जिम्मेदारी सौंपने का फैसला किया है। इन शिक्षकों को रिफ्रेशर/आरियंटेशन कार्यशालाओं में भाग लेने की अनुमति भी प्रदान की गई है। नए शासनादेश में यह भी कहा गया है कि यदि किसी स्ववित्तपोषित पाठ्यक्रम में छात्रों की संख्या शून्य हो जाती है तो कॉलेज अपनी रिपोर्ट शासन को प्रस्तुत करेगा। शासन के अनुमोदन के बाद विश्वविद्यालय की अनुमति से ही ऐसे पाठ्यक्रम को बंद किया जा सकता है।


NEW Govt. Order For Self Finance Teacher of Aided Degree College of U.P.



Santosh Singh in Support of Anna Movement

santosh anna

Self Finance Teacher GO of Aided Degree College of UP


Self Finance Teacher GO of Aided Degree College of UP


Monday, August 22, 2011

आइएएस मुख्य परीक्षा का कार्यक्रम घोषित

आइएएस मुख्य परीक्षा का कार्यक्रम घोषित

संघ लोक सेवा आयोग ने सोमवार को सिविल सेवा मुख्य परीक्षा का कार्यक्रम घोषित कर दिया है। परीक्षा 29 अक्टूबर से शुरू हो रही है, जोकि 26 नवंबर तक चलेगी। परीक्षा दो पालियों में होगी। पहली पाली का समय 9 से 12 व दूसरी पाली का समय 2 से 5 रखा गया है। पहले दिन 29 अक्टूबर को सामान्य अध्ययन का पेपर होगा। 30 अक्टूबर को पहली पाली में निबंध और दूसरी पाली में अंग्रेजी का पेपर होगा। 31 अक्टूबर को पहली पाली में हिंदी सहित भारतीय भाषाओं का पेपर होगा। 2 नवंबर को राजनीति विज्ञान व अंतरराष्ट्रीय संबंध। इसके अलावा लोक प्रशासन का पेपर होगा। 3 नवंबर को भूगोल, 4 को इतिहास, 5 को सामाजिक विज्ञान व एंथ्रोपोलॉजी, 9 नवंबर को साहित्य का पेपर, 11 नवंबर को दर्शनशास्त्र का पेपर होगा। इसके अलावा 12 नवंबर को साइकोलॉजी, 14 नवंबर को सिविल, इलेक्टि्रकल, मैकेनिकल इंजीनियरिंग का व मेडिकल साइंस का पेपर होगा। 15 नवंबर को जंतु विज्ञान, 16 नवंबर को कामर्स व एकाउंटेंसी एवं मैनेजमेंट का पेपर होगा। 17 नवंबर को अर्थशास्त्र, 18 को लॉ, 19 को गणित व सांख्यिकी, 21 को कृषि एवं पशुधन विकास व चिकित्सा विज्ञान, 22 को बॉटनी, 23 को भौतिक विज्ञान, 25 को रसायन विज्ञान व 26 नवंबर को जियोलॉजी का पेपर होगा।

JPSC 4th Combined Civil Services PT Examination Result Announced

JPSC 4th Combined Civil Services PT Examination Result Announced

Please visit the official website of JPSC

If JPSC Site is not opening here is the paper cutting of the result for public interest only.

परीक्षाफल के प्रकाशन में पूरी सावधानी बरती गई है। किसी भी त्रुटि के लिए यह वेबसाइट जिम्मेदार नहीं है

Results can be donwloaded in PDF from this link also

101000352 124009019 150019564 206030634 314043063 410059979 519079114 617091215 102000424 124009121 151019807 206030683 315043273 413061500 521079842 618091606 102000520 125009320 151019841 206030814 315043356 414062209 521079856 618091609 103001000 125009493 151019852 206030850 315043365 414062244 529083306 618091680 103001170 126009890 151019893 207031080 316043822 416063144 601083804 618091783 104001262 126010027 152020509 207031086 316043870 416063190 603084759 619091883 104001355 126010079 152020680 207031101 318044551 417063782 603085039 619091896 105001687 127010542 154021395 207031120 319044918 418064006 603085225 620092576 105001924 127010610 155022027 208031678 320045490 419064280 603085229 621092779 105001981 127010660 155022102 209032442 320045495 419064381 604085528 621093168 106002245 130011550 157022572 209032447 321045994 419064777 605085610 621093305 106002266 130011588 157022668 209032522 321046015 420064822 605085700 621093335 106002436 131012072 157022682 209032543 321046281 420064845 606086144 622093595 107002540 132012278 158023534 209032557 322046398 421065326 606086201 623093711 107002622 132012482 159023793 209032613 323046726 422065575 606086255 623093791 108002997 132012519 161024358 210033048 324047836 422065595 607087188 623093806 108003052 133012785 162024733 210033093 325048066 422065618 608087426 623093836 108003059 133012824 162024757 210033197 326049058 423065901 609087878 623093887 110003822 133012846 163025238 211033441 326049073 423065920 610088012 623094143 111004009 133013015 164025650 212034230 327049487 423065923 610088065 624094312 111004267 134013338 164025694 213034755 327049557 423065931 610088506 624094377 112004454 135013529 165026050 213034799 327049570 424066245 610088536 624094661 112004461 135013665 165026154 216036704 329050536 424066272 612089056 701095833 112004646 136014120 166026387 217036899 330051176 425066523 612089068 702096000 113004903 139015062 166026461 217037045 330051217 429068581 612089148 702096031 114005281 140015438 166026643 217037158 330051298 435070698 612089223 702096150 114005317 140015544 167026933 301037229 331051440 437071425 612089231 703096309 114005333 141015808 167027083 301037344 333052971 439072127 613089496 704096739 116005854 142016220 201027210 303038331 333053023 440072558 614089982 704096840 116005935 142016320 202027921 303038426 334053473 440072586 614090137 704096879 117006367 143016685 202028004 304038749 334053487 440072853 614090181 704096885 117006415 143016760 202028017 306039696 334101547 441072986 615090381 706097396 119006977 143016779 202028033 306039697 334101549 442073307 615090396 707097774 119006988 144017151 203028848 307040109 335054760 442073361 615090463 707097784 120007337 145017724 203028874 308040553 402055871 501073842 616090682 707097845 122008026 146017986 203028882 308040573 404056566 501073976 616090786 707097886 123008260 146018002 203028933 309040923 405057162 502074157 616090828 708098247 123008355 147018480 204029527 309041005 406057386 507075690 616090832 708098284 123008557 148018713 204029587 312042215 406057400 513077269 616090970 708098366 124008794 149019209 206030632 313042598 407057932 515077909 617091113 708098377 709098477 717100953 709098528 718101072 710099329 718101368 711099437 162024802 711099445 428067676 711099639 605085706 711099712 703096461 712100044 207031239 714100339 213034638 714100417 717100937 715100494 603084691 715100565 610088554 उं3ीॠश्र18 : इउ-कक फश्र ठश्र. 103000944 156022516 302037829 430068907 612089055 623093756 103001020 160024052 303038261 433069637 612089073 623093881 105001806 167026791 303038696 434070476 613089467 624094336 106002402 202028209 305039525 437071483 613089564 624094431 108003173 202028267 307040169 440072928 613089613 624094437 116005910 202028542 310041391 441072993 613089658 625094824 117006290 202028738 324047801 442073312 614090130 625094827 119006918 203029440 326049178 504074888 614090134 701095845 120007213 205030133 328050088 505075106 615090321 702096045 120007451 205030208 332052344 518078807 615090325 703096317 124008782 205030217 334053874 519079001 616090787 703096621 124008931 205030403 334101504 519079316 617091063 705096964 129011418 206030646 334101531 521079848 617091067 708098333 132012431 208031835 335054630 524080697 617091072 710098955 133012739 210033119 403056327 524080713 618091531 710099218 133012754 210033160 412061086 601083905 618091796 711099390 136013925 211033422 415062616 602084270 619091839 711099439 140015722 211033628 416063209 602084297 619091922 713100257 144017311 213034873 417063770 603084692 619092054 716100703 146018001 213034897 419064271 603085282 620092439 716100706 150019466 214035396 419064319 606086153 620092524 717100828 153021233 215036447 424066231 607087127 621092666 718101337 155021808 217037070 426066838 607087174 621092887 718101410 155021858 217037082 427067162 610088157 622093468 432069230 155021967 217037159 429068490 610088566 622093516 441073238 उं3ीॠश्र18 : रउ फश्र ठश्र. 101000152 149019323 321046082 434070308 610088133 625095402 102000689 151019868 321046162 439072060 610088278 702096194 103001004 154021534 323046894 440072643 612089239 703096326 104001352 155021882 324047849 503074525 613089668 703096421 109003396 157022556 328050087 503074580 614090070 704096849 112004479 162024643 332052326 503074596 614090227 704096876 114005242 164025681 332052716 507075701 614090234 705096972 117006388 164025751 333053002 507075717 615090453 705097291 117006493 165026123 402055834 512077173 615090582 705097307 120007440 166026736 402055854 513077333 616090673 706097336 124009021 203029045 407057929 519078925 616090784 706097468 125009522 204029565 407057933 521079858 617091014 706097483 127010351 204029611 409059275 527081764 618091802 706097612 128010857 204029734 409059387 528082083 619092122 707097781 129011214 206030673 410059960 528082632 619092279 707097791 130011749 207031046 411060442 601083962 620092599 707097885 130011806 208031654 411061003 601083974 621093357 707098101 133012861 208032163 412061080 601084016 621093372 707098131 136013840 210033115 412061092 602084368 623093841 709098426 136014166 211033642 424066209 605085711 623093876 709098568 140015671 215036545 424066259 605085922 623094101 709098585 142016381 215036594 428067691 606086467 623094139 710098958 142016579 217037041 432069327 606086711 624094546 711099434 145017574 304038798 432069332 609087697 625094830 711099506 147018544 311041867 433069986 610088061 625094902 711099543 711099857 717100777 713100102 718101075 713100141 718101125 713100150 213034721 715100598 709098594
उं3ीॠश्र18 : र8 फश्र ठश्र. 101000028 109003613 118006561 125009439 132012592 138014812 145017631 151019967 158023294 165026088 212034295 415062907 519079013 101000108 110003643 118006589 125009465 133012712 138014846 145017664 152020522 158023372 165026089 213034709 416063287 519079014 101000142 110003737 118006672 125009496 133012713 138014853 145017665 152020535 158023410 165026100 213034739 420064859 519079109 101000236 110003750 118006809 125009545 133012734 138014882 145017670 152020599 158023587 165026133 213034874 420065201 520079610 101000347 110003928 118006854 125009555 133012801 139015066 145017719 152020623 159023727 165026139 214035465 423066090 520079632 102000430 110003930 119006939 125009616 133012866 139015071 145017809 152020663 159023732 165026330 216036653 428067824 521079757 102000551 110003938 119006996 126009806 133012951 139015222 146017952 152020673 159023928 166026482 217036910 429068470 521079812 102000701 110003944 119007040 126009950 133012956 139015230 146017969 152020681 159023948 166026538 217037131 435070840 521079911 102000717 111004011 119007043 126010001 134013190 139015258 146017973 152020733 160024020 166026548 304038807 436071143 522080130 102000719 111004067 119007121 126010022 134013209 139015260 146018034 152020737 160024023 166026612 306039727 501073819 522080211 103000963 111004083 119007171 126010065 134013372 139015335 146018114 153020882 160024044 166026669 306039746 501073868 522080227 103001047 111004202 120007200 126010122 134013392 140015524 146018138 153020910 160024089 166026700 307040214 501073888 523080339 103001051 111004204 120007202 127010322 135013415 140015561 146018149 153020979 160024112 166026762 310041323 502074146 523080419 103001077 111004318 120007255 127010384 135013474 140015587 147018195 153021006 160024136 167026839 310041438 502074210 524080692 103001092 112004466 120007302 127010391 135013478 140015712 147018223 153021022 160024141 167026889 311041720 502074308 524080722 103001149 112004500 120007322 127010422 135013500 141015870 147018246 153021024 160024146 167026899 311042018 503074436 524080821 104001258 112004585 120007329 127010439 135013674 141015903 147018274 153021099 160024152 167026903 312042270 503074554 525081205 104001269 112004725 120007343 127010571 135013805 141015994 147018314 153021133 160024153 167026916 313042595 503074651 526081453 104001273 113004807 120007434 127010580 136013827 141016051 147018320 153021138 160024202 167026937 315043342 504074785 526081530 104001329 113004876 120007497 127010602 136013829 141016063 147018344 153021159 160024247 167026964 315043367 504074833 528082075 104001375 113004913 121007529 127010617 136013880 141016089 147018354 153021171 160024257 167026970 316043876 505075166 528082084 104001433 113004949 121007550 128010713 136013914 141016104 147018356 153021249 160024259 167026977 318044448 506075349 528082198 104001436 113005044 121007626 128010733 136013915 141016161 147018482 154021307 161024316 167026984 319044864 507075704 528082244 105001689 113005056 121007807 128010758 136013933 142016372 147018493 154021353 161024405 167027060 320045502 508075956 528082832 105001717 113005080 121007867 128010821 136013956 142016374 147018522 154021358 161024412 201027394 320045542 508076120 529083057 105001723 113005090 121007908 128010937 136013958 142016375 148018681 154021428 161024440 202028069 321046375 510076410 529083219 105001778 113005153 122007944 128010968 136013997 142016390 148018702 154021482 161024490 202028111 322046527 510076498 529083221 106002203 113005159 122007968 128010975 136014032 142016495 148018771 154021490 161024533 203028822 323046759 510076589 601083811 106002264 114005210 122007977 128010988 136014049 142016511 148018801 155021800 161024577 203029010 324047662 511076896 602084300 106002283 114005236 122008010 128011001 136014110 142016522 148018915 155021906 162024617 203029019 324047754 511076916 603084699 106002450 114005367 122008028 128011012 136014187 142016523 148018997 155021975 162024651 205030307 325048552 513077428 603085040 107002524 114005431 122008119 129011164 137014243 142016585 148019002 155021984 162024731 205030317 326049099 513077463 604085406 107002537 114005465 123008245 129011258 137014252 143016858 149019073 156022283 162024766 206030573 326049420 513077499 605085828 107002549 114005473 123008356 129011285 137014283 143016864 149019134 156022301 162024780 206030663 329050553 513077513 605086028 107002579 115005524 123008362 129011322 137014292 143016868 149019196 156022326 162024832 207030961 331051444 514077566 606086419 107002603 115005559 123008364 129011376 137014293 143016872 149019234 156022348 162024839 207031250 331051493 514077703 606086527 107002692 115005567 123008392 129011397 137014307 143016889 149019236 156022350 162024865 208031728 331051710 514077723 608087422 107002729 115005615 123008518 129011428 137014341 143016917 149019280 156022394 162024918 208031758 331051822 515077789 608087461 107002736 115005618 123008535 129011447 137014350 143016924 150019355 156022406 162024984 208031809 333053021 515077950 609087596 108002992 115005659 123008543 130011592 137014392 143017022 150019533 156022408 163025258 209032548 333053053 516078096 610088346 108003028 115005679 123008615 130011645 137014396 144017103 150019600 156022413 163025290 209032578 333053132 516078191 610088544 108003160 116005829 124008776 130011655 137014434 144017105 150019602 157022543 163025313 209032584 334053485 516078307 612089057 108003284 116005858 124008852 130011687 137014448 144017263 150019649 157022669 163025457 209032616 334053532 517078467 612089219 109003328 116005951 124008925 131011936 137014514 144017314 151019751 157022675 164025609 210033021 334054009 517078547 612089424 109003353 116006096 124009058 131011979 138014568 144017328 151019812 157022701 164025710 210033089 401055524 518078711 613089663 109003419 116006103 124009072 131012003 138014609 144017399 151019850 157022705 164025755 210033100 402056100 518078717 613089714 109003449 116006113 124009129 131012069 138014669 145017506 151019879 157022797 164025801 210033155 403056326 518078819 613089774 109003459 117006325 125009287 132012373 138014670 145017522 151019884 157022801 164025871 210033171 408058820 519078990 614089970 109003496 117006329 125009319 132012379 138014759 145017601 151019885 157022908 165025986 210033333 411060364 519078996 615090562 109003601 117006420 125009376 132012523 138014775 145017604 151019887 158023256 165026034 211033993 414062247 519079003 617091214 617091426 706097595 619092252 709098583 620092518 710099049 621092679 713100218 621092785 717100776 621093021 717100867 621093120 132012294 621093253 133012789 622093638 146017956 623094072 147018565 623094085 151019942 623094114 156022363 625094710 161024481 625095138 163025366 625095215 213034876 625095274 401055569 701095706 522080287 701095783 527081867 701095918 610088775 704096748 612089158
उं3ीॠश्र18 : ठफएरएफश्एऊ -- फश्र ठश्र. 101000413 125009734 149019311 202028555 211033366 302037988 318044656 325048953 334053711 405057224 409059827 417063872 428068138 437071583 524080898 608087292 103001088 126009802 150019746 202028573 211033395 302038006 319044854 325048984 334053913 406057460 409059929 417063882 428068148 438071834 524080913 608087345 103001109 126009819 151020070 202028615 211033940 302038016 319045055 326049131 334053970 406057497 411060351 417063886 428068247 438071940 525080981 610088093 103001233 126010188 151020156 202028700 211033997 302038233 319045376 326049156 334053992 406057506 411060376 418064044 428068290 439072162 525081144 610088315 104001494 126010286 151020159 202028707 211034003 303038398 319045402 326049198 334054007 406057547 411060395 418064073 428068317 439072393 525081213 610088741 106002120 127010541 151020407 202028711 211034025 303038446 319045424 327049948 334054011 406057765 411060457 418064107 428068324 439072395 525081218 610088780 106002353 127010564 151020408 202028739 211034035 303038523 320045667 328050184 334054016 406057780 411060668 418064133 428068355 439072408 525081229 611088978 106002466 128010957 151020412 202028774 211034084 303038700 320045672 328050205 334054103 406057809 411060682 419064401 428068356 439072414 525081295 612089040 107002522 128010976 153020890 203029102 211034114 304038741 320045912 328050429 334054127 406057820 411060698 419064652 428068359 439072421 527081956 612089100 107002882 128011110 153020940 203029103 212034178 304038846 320045937 328050442 334054133 406057821 411060786 419064699 428068376 439072452 527081957 612089428 108002932 129011529 153021154 203029146 212034383 304038938 320045959 328050451 334054182 406057834 411060797 419064709 428068397 439072481 527081972 612089432 108002957 131012143 154021592 203029400 212034429 304039218 321046173 329050992 334054208 406057854 411060944 419064722 428068408 440072624 528082165 613089853 108003172 131012258 154021692 203029402 212034435 305039404 321046192 329050994 334054357 406057869 411060964 420064938 428068409 440072779 528082450 614090107 109003375 132012522 154021697 203029403 212034440 306039656 322046555 329050996 334054429 407057913 411060970 420065042 430068914 440072916 528082511 617091053 110003692 132012673 155021719 203029407 212034443 306039664 322046593 329051003 334054435 407058023 411060991 420065186 431069086 441073050 528082573 617091417 111004245 133012737 155021722 203029417 212034449 306039853 322046605 329051016 335054767 407058025 411060992 420065218 431069107 441073090 528082576 617091466 111004246 133012944 155022120 203029420 213034643 306039870 323046860 329051059 335054835 407058089 411061020 420065237 431069155 441073096 528082586 618091678 111004296 134013349 156022237 203029431 213034675 307040082 323046862 329051072 335054997 407058270 412061154 420065242 432069347 442073383 528082598 618091716 111004357 134013386 156022277 203029434 213034920 307040269 323046916 330051301 335055003 407058271 412061190 420065256 432069366 442073414 528082673 619092261 112004368 135013708 157022599 204029470 213034951 307040274 323047027 330051320 335055066 407058330 412061207 420065279 432069371 442073660 528082718 620092350 112004386 136013851 157022803 204029530 213035210 308040614 323047172 330051335 335055088 407058335 412061209 420065281 433069626 442073687 528082798 620092373 112004643 136014092 157023185 204029558 213035213 308040690 323047220 330051351 335055131 407058346 412061461 420065282 433069662 501073967 528082821 620092378 112004728 136014177 157023201 204029761 213035254 309040922 323047229 331051567 335055212 407058351 413061566 421065439 433069673 501074052 528082835 620092574 113004831 136014231 158023281 204030038 213035257 309040980 323047243 331051622 335055213 407058363 413061618 422065698 433069752 501074059 528082847 621093051 113005098 137014505 158023347 204030074 213035265 309041078 323047335 331051637 335055285 407058372 413061906 422065802 433069963 502074281 528082848 621093056 113005188 138014581 158023507 204030084 213035266 309041085 323047336 331051871 335055298 407058383 413061912 423065970 433069978 502074379 528082862 621093069 115005695 139015221 160023987 204030085 213035268 309041107 323047451 331051884 335055306 408058420 413061914 423066006 433069983 505075018 528082899 621093074 115005779 139015364 160024253 205030376 213035284 310041571 323047478 331051931 335055332 408058783 413061932 423066012 433069988 505075268 528082939 621093137 115005821 140015665 160024281 205030432 214035391 311041945 323047481 331051963 335055341 408058810 413061980 424066290 433070010 506075328 529083017 621093164 116006093 142016501 161024576 206030549 214035665 311041981 323047501 331051969 335055364 408058826 413061982 424066332 433070072 506075582 529083151 622093435 116006111 142016513 162024641 206030852 214035667 312042271 323047512 331052055 335055427 408058840 413062164 424066338 433070105 507075645 529083175 623093725 116006121 142016519 162024681 206030903 214035680 312042343 323047524 331052080 335055472 408058847 414062327 424066366 433070123 509076192 529083252 623094161 117006269 143017044 162024879 206030924 214035920 313042761 323047619 331052142 335055478 408058896 414062593 425066633 433070162 509076327 529083261 625094730 117006499 144017349 165026221 207030954 214035967 313042774 323047648 331052253 335055492 408059085 415062743 425066649 433070218 510076655 529083300 625095221 117006539 144017457 165026230 207031128 214035990 313042777 324047905 331052259 335055494 408059100 415062751 426066957 433070240 510076671 530083385 625095362 119006923 145017487 165026303 207031518 214036171 314043114 325048386 331052298 401055746 408059122 415062754 426066959 434070416 511076964 530083589 625095518 121007542 145017509 165026372 208031993 214036253 314043179 325048523 332052517 402055947 408059149 415062755 427067535 434070417 511076987 530083624 625095557 121007864 145017514 166026641 208032004 214036364 315043291 325048559 332052546 403056375 409059317 415062985 427067547 434070418 514077617 601083765 701095720 122007941 145017732 166026750 208032140 216036652 315043450 325048579 332052550 403056377 409059362 415062986 427067574 434070455 515077969 601083782 701095733 122007989 146017929 167027059 208032181 301037320 315043489 325048696 332052837 403056380 409059372 415063008 428067794 434070505 516078344 603085047 703096257 123008286 147018200 201027229 208032191 301037387 315043493 325048787 332052853 404056552 409059459 415063044 428067796 434070566 519079177 603085091 703096511 123008638 147018261 201027774 208032284 301037426 315043590 325048792 332052868 404056676 409059597 415063049 428067799 434070619 519079184 606086115 703096541 123008644 147018468 201027819 208032337 301037632 315043757 325048795 333052972 404056769 409059607 415063073 428067809 434070630 519079189 606086508 703096555 124008796 147018496 201027887 208032341 301037642 316043814 325048813 333053096 404056918 409059616 416063222 428067958 435070793 519079211 606086529 703096593 125009318 147018598 202028163 208032353 301037645 317044209 325048817 333053163 404056935 409059653 416063223 428068027 435070863 519079308 606086621 704096766 125009548 148018632 202028255 209032402 301037656 317044221 325048873 333053169 404056953 409059668 416063277 428068034 435071035 520079437 606086692 705096920 125009670 148018894 202028281 209032738 301037721 317044223 325048881 333053400 404057019 409059669 416063560 428068038 435071048 521080021 606086947 705097187 125009673 148019006 202028287 209032765 301037732 317044249 325048909 334053591 405057075 409059676 416063568 428068068 436071197 521080031 606086957 705097190 125009675 149019047 202028497 209032848 302037979 317044288 325048923 334053595 405057205 409059756 416063578 428068088 436071229 523080586 606087062 705097230 125009676 149019096 202028541 210033296 302037987 318044644 325048928 334053620 405057214 409059813 416063613 428068105 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Sunday, August 21, 2011

10 Most Corrupt Indian Politicians

10 Most Corrupt Indian Politicians

10 Most Corrupt Indian Politicians

While everyone has been animatedly supporting Anna Hazare's fight against corruption, people seem to have forgotten who the people are who actually led to this situation.

The peak of irony was when Anna was, allegedly, lodged in the same jail that housed the people who were responsible for two of the biggest scams in the country ever. How must the authorities have felt when they saw Raja and Kalmadi fill their plates while Anna was on a fast because of their misdeeds?

Corruption has become an unavoidable part of politics and every now and then, one or the other politician re-affirms this fact.

Here is our pick of the 10 most corrupt politicians of India.

Suresh Kalmadi

10 Most Corrupt Indian Politicians

Suresh Kalmadi, almost single handedly caused a loss of hundreds of crores of rupees to the country. The Commonwealth Games, organized by Kalmadi was no less than a loot with numerous reports of the magnum opus event being soaked in corruption making headlines way before the Games had even started. Apparently, out of Rs. 70000 crores spent on the Games, only half of the amount was actually spent. Owing to his involvement in the scam, Kalmadi was charged with corruption and sent to Tihar jail.

A. Raja

10 Most Corrupt Indian Politicians

A scam worth Rs. 176,000 crore had former Union Cabinet Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Andimuthu Raja at the centre. A. Raja as he is generally called, was the prime accused in the 2G spectrum scam, which was the largest that the country had seen in a long time. Following the shocking exposure, Raja was indicted and forced to resign. Presently, he is too has been lodged at the Tihar jail and is awaiting his trial.


10 Most Corrupt Indian Politicians

Mayawati has always been criticized for ostentatious display of power in her state. She has allegedly used her status as chief minister to amass large amounts of personal wealth. She was charged with corruption when the Taj Heritage Corridor Case was uncovered. Mayawati's birthdays have always been media events, where she usually appears decked in diamond jewellery and also accepts public donations for which, she often comes under fire. Her assets are worth millions of dollars and in the year 2007-08, she had paid an income tax of Rs. 26 crores, which placed her amongst the top 20 taxpayers of the year.

Lalu Prasad Yadav

10 Most Corrupt Indian Politicians

The fact that Lalu Prasad Yadav has been an accused in 63-odd cases serves for the fact that Lalu stands as one of the strongest competitor in the list. The biggest scam that rocked Lalu's political career was the fodder scam which involved the embezzlement of Rs. 950 crore approximately. The accusation of nepotism against him has come up time and again but hardly any action has been taken against him owing to his 'connections' in the government.

Madhu Koda

10 Most Corrupt Indian Politicians

Former Jharkand Chief Minister, and only the third independent legislator to assume the office of chief minister in India, Madhu Koda was responsible for a scam worth over Rs. 4000 crore. The man exploited the state's natural resources by licensing illegal mining leases and stashing away the wealth amassed during the undertaking. Furthermore, the Maoists received a 30% share of the booty. Koda was arrested on charges of money laundering and is still in prison following the rejection of numerous bail applications.

Mulayam Singh Yadav

10 Most Corrupt Indian Politicians

Mulayam Singh Yadav is also known as one of the most corrupt ministers in the country despite not being directly involved in any major scams. Apart from his name being involved in appointments of tainted officers and mishandling of his power as chief minister, Mulayam Singh had one major allegation levelled against him– accumulation of disproportionate assets. The case drew limelight on his sons and daughter-in-law as they too were holders of the assests that amounted to crores of rupees.


10 Most Corrupt Indian Politicians

The corruptions charges against M. Karunanidhi are so many that he is often referred to as the king or emperor of corruption. He was accused of lending support to the LTTE and was indicted for abetting the LTTE in the interim report which oversaw the investigation into Rajiv Gandhi's assassination.

Karunanidhi reportedly institutionalized corruption in the South. He was a leading player in the cash for votes scams that are common in the southern region, as well as notorious foe extreme nepotism shown under his rule. Not so surprising, is the fact that the main accused in the 2G scam, A, Raja, considers him to be his mentor.

Sharad Pawar

10 Most Corrupt Indian Politicians

Very few people can miss the cosy relationship that Sharad Pawar shares with power and money.Every now and then, Pawar draws flak for alleged investments made by him and his family in various illegal projects. He was named by Abdul Karim Telgi, during a narcoanalysis test, stating that it was Pawar's brainchild to print fake stamp papers across the country and mint money. He was also accused in a multi-crore scam involving wheat imports and institutions headed by him and his close associates were served notices by the Bombay High Court for showing favoritism to his family.


10 Most Corrupt Indian Politicians

The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu has a staggering 46 corruption cases against her. Amongst the various scams were the Rs. 70 million coal import scam, Tansi land deal case, case of disproportionate assets and colour TV case, amongst many others. A raid in her residence and business establishments led to the seizure of some 28 kg of jewellery (worth Rs 51 crore), 91 wrist-watches, 41 air-conditioners, 10,500 sarees, 750 pairs of footwears, etc. She along with her former cabinet colleagues and senior bureaucrats who worked with her are still facing investigation with regard to corruption.

BS Yeddyurappa

10 Most Corrupt Indian Politicians

The most recent politician to be caught in the web of corruption is former Chief Minister of Karnataka, B. S. Yeddyurappa. While he has a number of corruption lying against him, the one that toppled his career was his alleged involvement in the illegal iron ore export scam in districts of Karnataka. A lot of blame game followed and ended up with Yeddyurappa losing his ministerial post last month. Despite his denial, his image as one of the most corrupt politicians of the country will not fade anytime soon. (

Sunday, August 14, 2011

List of World Presidents, Prime Ministers & Capital

List of World Presidents, Prime Ministers & capital
● Afghanistan: President - Hamid Karzai; Capital - Kabul.

● Algeria: President - Abdelaziz Bouteflika; Prime Minister - Ahmed Ouyahia; Capital-

● Argentina: President- Ms. Cristina Fernandez Kirchner; Capital- Buenos Aires.

● Australia: Governor-General- Ms. Quentin Bryce; PRIME MINISTER- Kevin Rudd; Capital (Federal)- Canberra.

● Austria: President- Heinz Fischer; Chancellor-Werner Faymann, Capital- Vienna.

● Bahrain: King - Hamad ibn al-Khalifah; Prime Minister - Sheikh Khalifah Sulman al-Khalifah; Capital- Manama.

● Bangladesh: President - Zillur Rahman; PRIME MINISTER - Ms. Sheikh Hasina; Capital- Dhaka.

● Belarus: President- Alexander Lukashenko; Prime Minister - Sergei Sidorsky; Capital- Minsk.

● Belgium: King - Albert II; Prime Minister-Herman Van Rompuy; Capital- Brussels.

● Bhutan: King - Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk; Prime Minister-Jigmi Y. Thinley;
Capital – Thimphu

● Bolivia: President- Evo Morales; Capital – La Paz.

● Brazil: President- Ms. Dilma Rousseff; Capital - Brasilia.

● Bulgaria: President - Georgi Purvanov; Prime Minister - Boyko Borisov; Capital-

● Burkina Faso: President – Blaise Compaore; Prime Minister – Tertius Zongo; Capital-

● Cambodia: King - Norodom Sihamoni; Prime Minister - Hun Sen; Capital – Phnom Penh.

● Canada: Governor-General Ms. Michaelle Jean; PRIME MINISTER - Stephen Harper; Capital- Ottawa.

● Chile: President - Ms. Sebastian Pinera; Capital - Santiago.

● China: President- Hu Jintao; Prime Minister-Wen Jiabao; Capital- Beijing.

● Colombia: President- Juan Manuel Santos; Capital - Bogota.

● Croatia: President - Stjepan Mesic; Prime Minister -Dr. Ivo Sanader; Capital-Zagreb.

● Cuba: President- Raul Castro; Capital -Havana.

● Czech Republic: President- Vaclav Klaus; Prime Minister -Jan Fischer; Capital-Prague.

● Denmark: Queen - Margrethe II; Prime Minister- Lars Lokke Rasmussen; Capital - Copenhagen.

● Ecuador: President- Rafael Correa; Capital-Quito.

● Egypt: President - Mohamed Hussein Tantawi (Acting); Capital-Cairo.

● Finland: President - Ms. Tarja Halonen; Prime Minister - Matti Vanhanen; Capital-Helsinki.

● France: President- Nicolas Sarkozy; Prime Minister - Francois Fillon; Capital- Paris.

● Germany: President - Horst Koehler; Chancellor - Ms. Angela Merkel; Capital-Berlin.

● Guyana: President - Bharrat Jagdeo; Prime Minister - Samuel Hinds; Capital- Georgetown.

● Greece: President – Karolos Papoulias; Prime Minister – George Papandreou; Capital - Athens.

● Hungary: President- Pal Schmitt; PRIME MINISTER - Viktor Orban; Capital- Budapest.

● Indonesia: President - Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono; Capital- Jakarta.

● Iran: President - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; Capital- Teheran.

● Iraq: President -Jalai Talabani; Prime Minister - Nuri al-Maliki, Capital- Baghdad.

● Ireland: President- Ms. Mary McAleese; Prime Minister - Brian Cowen, Capital- Dublin.

● Israel: President - Shimon Peres; PRIME MINISTER - Benjamin Netanyahu; Capital- Jerusalem.

● Italy: President - Georgio Napolitano; Prime Minister- Silvio Berlusconi; Capital- Rome.

● Japan: Emperor- Akihito; Prime Minister: Naoto Kan; Capital- Tokyo.

● Jordan: King - Abdullah II; Prime Minister-Nader al-Dahabi; Capital- Amman.

● Kazakhstan: President - Nursultan A. Nazarbayev; Prime Minister – Karim Masimov; Capital- Astana.

● Kenya: President - Mwai Kibaki; Prime Minister - Raila Odinga; Capital - Nairobi.

● Korea, North: President – Marshal Kim Jong II; Prime Minister – Hong Song Nam;
Capital- Pyongyang.

● Korea, South: President-, Lee Myung-Bak; Prime Minister - Kim Hwang-sik; Capital -

● Kuwait: Emir - Sheikh Sabah ai-Ahmad al-Sabah; Capital - Kuwait.

● Kyrgyzstan: President (Interim) – Kurmanbek Bakiyey; Prime Minister - Daniyar Usenov
Capital - Bishkek.

● Madagascar: President - Andy Rajoelina; Prime Minister - Eugene Mangalaza; Capital-

● Malaysia: King - T. S. S. Syed Putra Jamalullail; Prime Minister- Najib Tun Razak; Capital-Kuala Lumpur.

● Maldives: President - Mohammed "Anni" Nasheed; Capital - Male.

● Mauritius: President - Anerood Jugnauth; Prime Minister - Navinchandra Ramgoolam; Capital - Port Louis.

● Mexico: President – Felipe Calderon; Capital – Mexico City.

● Mongolia: President - Nambaryn Enkhbayar; Prime Minister - Sukhbaatar Batblod; Capital - Ulan Bator.

● Montenegro: President - Filip Vujanovic; Prime Minister-Milo Dukanovic; Capital – Podgorica

● Morocco: King - Mohammed VI; Prime Minister - Abbas El Fassi; Capital - Rabat.

● Myanmar (Burma) : Head of Govt. : Gen. Than Shwe; Capital - Nyapidaw.

● Nepal: President - Dr. Ram Baran Yadav; Prime Minister – Jhala Nath Khanal; Capital -Kathmandu.

● Netherlands: Queen - Beatrix; Capital-Amsterdam.

● New Zealand: Governor-General – Anand Satyanand; PrimeMinister - John Key; Capital-

● Nigeria: President - Goodluck Jonathan; Capital - Abuja.

● Norway: King - Harald V; Prime Minister – Jens Stoltenberg; Capital - Oslo.

● Pakistan: President - Asif Ali Zardari; Prime Minister - Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani; Capital -Islamabad. .

● Panama: President - Ricardo Martenelli; Capital - Panama City.

● Paraguay: President - Fernando Lugo; Capital – Asuncion

● Peru: President - Alan Garcia; Prime Minister -Javier Velasquez; Capital- Lima.

● Philippines: President - Ms. Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo; Capital - Manila.

● Poland: President - Lech Kaczynski; Prime Minister- Donald Tusk; Capital- Warsaw.

● Portugal: President - Amibal Cavaco Silva; Prime Minister - Jose Socrates; Capital-

● Romania: President - Traian Basecue; Prime Minister - Emil Boc; Capital - Bucharest.

● Russia: President - Dmitry Medvedev; Prime Minister - Vladimir Putin; Capital - Moscow.

● Rwanda: President - Paul Kagame; Prime Minister - Bernard Makuza; Capital -Kigali.

● Saudi Arabia : King - Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud; Capital- Riyadh.

● Serbia: President - Boris Tadic; Prime Minister - Mirko Cvetkovic; Capital - Belgrade.

● Singapore: President - S. R. Nathan; PRIME MINISTER - Lee Hsien Loong; Capital - Singapore.

● Slovakia: President - Ivan Gasparovic; Prime Minister - Robert Fico; Capital-Bratislava.

● South Africa : President- Jacob Zuma; Capital-Cape Town (Legislative) and Tshwane
(Formerly Pretoria) (Administrative).

● Spain: King - Juan Carlos I; Prime Minister-Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero; Capital -Madrid.

● Sri Lanka: President - Mahinda Rajapaksa; Prime Minister - – D.M. Jayaratne; Capital- Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte (Colombo).

● Sudan: President - Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir; Capital - Khartoum.

● Sweden: King - Carl XVI Gustaf; PRIME MINISTER – Fredrik Reinfeldt; Capital - Stockholm.

● Switzerland: President - Hans-Rudolf Merz; Capital – Berne

● Syria: President - Bashar Al-Assad; Prime Minister - Muhammad Naji al-Otari; Capital- Damascus.

● Taiwan: President - Ma Ying-jeou; Prime Minister -Wu Den-yih; Capital – Taipei.

● Turkey: President - Abdullah Gul; Prime Minister - Recep Tayyip Erdogan; Capital- Ankara.

● Ukraine: President - Victor Yushchenko; Prime Minister- Mykola Azarov; Capital- Kiev.

● United Arab Emirates: Prime Minister- Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum;
Capital- Abu Dhabi.

● United Kingdom: Queen - Elizabeth II; Prime Minister - Gordon Brown; Capital - London.

● United States of America: President – Barack Obama; Secretary of State -Ms. Hillary Clinton; Capital- Washington, D.C.

● Uzbekistan: President - Islam A. Karimov; Prime Minister - Shavkat Mirziyayev; Capital- Tashkent.

● Venezuela: President - Hugo Chavez Frias; Capital - Caracas.

● Vietnam: President - Nguyen Minh Triet; Prime Minister - Nguyen Tan Dung; Capital-

● Zimbabwe: President - Robert G. Mugabe; PRIME MINISTER - Morgan Tsvangirai; Capital- Harare.

United India Insurence Company Ltd. (A.A.O.) Exam., 2011 -Solved Paper

United India Insurence Company Ltd. (A.A.O.) Exam., 2011
(Held on 27-2-2011)
General and Financial Awareness : Solved Paper

1. Which of the following is a General Insurance Company functioning in India ?
(A) Life Insurance Corporation of India
(B) ICICI Prudential
(C) Tata AIG
(D) United India Insurance Company
(E) All are General Insurance Companies
Ans : (D)

2. Who amongst the following is the Regulator of Insurance sector in India ?
(E) All of these
Ans : (C)

3. Which of the following terms is NOT used in insurance sector ?
(A) Indemnity
(B) Coverage
(C) Misuse Alert
(D) Casualty
(E) Annuity
Ans : (C)

4. Which of the following Public Sector companies/organizations provides insurance cover to exporters ?
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

5. The main feature of the National Agricultural Insurance Scheme is to insure which of the following?
(A) Life of the farmer
(B) Crop of the farmer
(C) Animals who are used in agricultural activities
(D) Land of the farmer
(E) Both Land and family of the farmer
Ans : (B)

6. In which one of the following States was the first UID card issued ?
(A) Gujarat
(B) Manipur
(C) Assam
(D) West Bengal
(E) Maharashtra
Ans : (E)

7. Which of the following books is written by Anita Desai ?
(A) Magic Seeds
(B) The Village by the Sea
(C) A Bend in the River
(D) My God Died Young
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

8. Expand the term MGNREGA—
(A) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
(B) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Agency
(C) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Generation Act
(D) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Generation Agency
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

9. Which of the following terms is used in the field of finance and banking?
(A) Elasticity
(B) Inflation
(C) Pulse Rate
(D) Hot waves
(E) Plasma
Ans : (B)

10. With which one of the following sports, Saina Nehwal is associated ?
(A) Chess
(B) Badminton
(C) Long Jump
(D) Lawn Tennis
(E) Table Tennis
Ans : (B)

11. Which one of the following States has passed a bill to regulate the interest rates on micro-finance ?
(A) Odisha
(B) Haryana
(C) Karnataka
(D) Kerala
(E) Andhra Pradesh
Ans : (E)

12. Which of the following rates are reviewed by the RBI at the time of periodical review of the policy ?
(a) Bank Rate
(b) Repo Rate
(c) Savings Bank Rate
(A) Only (a)
(B) Only (b)
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) All (a), (b) and (c)
(E) Only (c)
Ans : (D)

13. Which one of the following is not included in TAPI gas project ?
(A) Turkmenistan
(B) Pakistan
(C) Afghanistan
(D) India
(E) Iran
Ans : (E)

14. Which one of the following States has passed a legislation to confiscate the property of corrupt officials and to open schools in these properties ?
(A) West Bengal
(B) Jharkhand
(C) Bihar
(D) Rajasthan
(E) Haryana
Ans : (C)

15. Brihadeeswara Temple has recently celebrated its millennium birthday. In which of the following States is it located ?
(A) Karnataka
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Kerala
(D) Odisha
(E) Tamil Nadu
Ans : (E)

16. In which one of the following States, Jaitapur Nuclear Power plant is proposed to be set up ?
(A) Gujarat
(B) Haryana
(C) Odisha
(D) Karnataka
(E) Maharashtra
Ans : (E)

17. According to Planning Commission, in how many years shall the per capita income in India become double ?
(A) Nine
(B) Five
(C) Seven
(D) Three
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

18. Expand the term IFRS.
(A) Indian Financial Reporting Standards
(B) Indian Financial Reporting Systems
(C) International Financial Reporting Standards
(D) International Financial Reporting Systems
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

19. Who is Liu Xiaobo ?
(A) North Korean dissident, who has been awarded Nobel peace prize
(B) Chinese citizen, who has been awarded Nobel peace prize
(C) North Korean dissident, who has been awarded Nobel literature prize
(D) Sportsman who was awarded maximum 8 Gold medals in Commonwealth
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

20. Who is Hardeep Puri ?
(A) India’s permanent representative at UN
(B) Vice President, IMF
(C) Vice President, World Bank
(D) India’s ambassador in USA
(E) India’s ambassador in UK
Ans : (A)

21. With which one of the following games is Ishant Sharma associated ?
(A) Chess
(B) Badminton
(C) Table Tennis
(D) Volley Ball
(E) Cricket
Ans : (E)

22. With which one of the following games, France’s Zinedine Zidane is associated ?
(A) Hockey
(B) Football
(C) Snooker
(D) Volley Ball
(E) Base Ball
Ans : (B)

23. As per recent newspaper reports, which one of the following countries was second largest importer of goods and services in the world during year 2009-10 ?
(A) China
(C) Japan
(D) Russia
(E) India
Ans : (E)

24. According to RBI governor, which one of the following is the challenge in its monetary policy ?
(A) Inflation
(B) Inflation and Supportive recovery
(C) Inflation and fiscal deficit
(D) Inflation and high cost of imports
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

25. Which one of the following Public Sector Organisations has offered largest ever equity offer ?
(B) Coal India
(C) Power Grid
(D) Shipping Corporation of India
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

26. Through which one of the following sources domestic funds are raised by Companies ?
(a) IPO only
(b) FPO only
(c) Commercial papers
(A) Only (a) and (b)
(B) All (a), (b) and (c)
(C) Only (a) and (c)
(D) Only (a)
(E) Only (c)
Ans : (C)

27. Which one of the following was the reason owing to which Govt. want Reserve Bank of India to tighten prudential norms for NBFCs ?
(A) To reduce liquidity in the market
(B) It is as per Basel II requirements
(C) It is as per Bank for International Settlement (BIS) directives
(D) It is to protect NBFCs from any impact of possible economic slowdown
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

28. In the financial year 2009-10, which one of the following Banks has made highest Total dividend Payout ?
(C) Bank of India
(D) Canara Bank
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)

29. In respect of which one of the following countries, India has proposed non payments for import of crude oil ?
(A) Iran
(B) Iraq
(C) Kuwait
(D) Sudan
(E) U.A.E.
Ans : (A)

30. Through which one of the following methods, RBI has allowed Indian companies to hedge exchange rate risks associated with trade transactions ?
(A) Forwards
(C) Swaps
(D) Currency options
(E) Cross currency options
Ans : (D)

31. Which of the following books is written by V. S. Naipaul ?
(A) A Handful of Dust
(B) A House for Mr. Biswas
(C) A Passage to India
(D) Darkness at Noon
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

32. With which one of the following countries, India has signed agreement to build Multi Model Transit Transport Project ?
(A) Bangladesh
(B) Myanmar
(C) Sri Lanka
(D) Nepal
(E) Maldives
Ans : (B)

33. Which one of the following countries is Number One Country in terms of Purchasing Power ?
(B) Germany
(C) China
(D) South Korea
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

34. Which one of the following directions has been given by Government to Civic bodies ?
(A) They must use 70 per cent of the funds for BPL families
(B) They must use 70 per cent of the funds for the poor living within their jurisdiction
(C) They must use 25 per cent of the funds for BPL families
(D) They must use 25 per cent of the funds for the poor living within their jurisdiction
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

35. On which one of the following issues a group of business leaders and other eminent citizens have expressed concern ?
(A) E-Governance
(B) Governance
(C) Fiscal deficit
(D) Governance deficit
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

36. ‘Yuan’ is the currency of which one of the following countries ?
(A) Japan
(B) South Korea
(C) North Korea
(D) Taiwan
(E) China
Ans : (E)

37. Which one of the following is a leading power in 17 nation Euro Region ?
(A) Germany
(B) France
(C) Norway
(D) Greece
(E) Portugal
Ans : (A)

38. What are teaser loan rates charged by banks ?
(A) Fixed rate of interest charged by banks
(B) Floating rate of interest charged by banks
(C) Rate of interest in the initial period is less and goes up subsequently
(D) Rate of interest in the initial period is more and it goes down subsequently
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

39. Expand the term FSDC which is used in financial sectors ?
(A) Financial Security and Development Council
(B) Financial Stability and Development Council
(C) Fiscal Security and Development Council
(D) Fiscal Stability and Development Council
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

40. According to the 8th Annual Global Retail Development Index (GRDI), which one of the following countries is ‘most attractive’ retail market in the world ?
(A) China
(B) India
(D) Saudi Arabia
(E) Japan
Ans : (B)

41. Govt.’s ‘Food-for-work’ programme means—
(A) to pay in kind to work and build rural infrastructure
(B) supplying balanced diet to workers in rural areas
(C) no-work-no-pay principle
(D) ensuring enough food to rural worker-households
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)

42. The insurance companies collect a fixed amount from its customers at a fixed interval of time. What
is it called ?
(A) Instalment
(B) Contribution
(C) Premium
(E) Service Charge
Ans : (A)

43. Which of the following is/are the various types of insurance ?
(a) Life Insurance
(b) Health Insurance
(c) Liability Insurance
(A) Only (a)
(B) Only (b)
(C) Only (c)
(D) All (a), (b) and (c)
(E) Only (a) and (b)
Ans : (D)

44. What is the full form of ‘ESOPs’ as seen in financial newspapers ?
(A) Employee Stock Ownership Plan
(B) Executive Salary Options
(C) Emergency Stock Operations
(D) Early Sales Opportunities
(E) Executive Stock Ownership
Ans : (A)

45. Who are considered Super Senior Citizen as per budget 2011-12 ? Those who have completed a minimum age of—
(A) 65 years
(B) 70 years
(C) 75 years
(D) 80 years
(E) 90 years
Ans : (D)

46. Pohang Steel Company (POSCO) is a company originally based in—
(A) China
(B) Vietnam
(D) Italy
(E) South Korea
Ans : (E)

47. As per the revised data released by the Central Statistical Organisation, the GDP growth in 2010 has been at which of the following levels ?
(A) 6%
(B) 6•5%
(C) 8%
(D) 7•5%
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

48. Who amongst the following was awarded Padma Vibhushan recently (2011) ?
(A) Kumar Mangalam Birla
(B) Harbhajan Singh
(C) Nirupama Rao
(D) Montek Singh Ahluwalia
(E) Saina Nehwal
Ans : (D)

49. Annual meeting of World Economic Forum was organized in January 2011 in which of the following cities ?
(A) Davos
(B) Milan
(C) Tokyo
(D) London
(E) Lisbon
Ans : (A)

50. India recently signed a deal on the sharing of Teesta and Feni river waters. This agreement is signed with which of the following countries ?
(A) Nepal
(B) China
(C) Pakistan
(D) Bangladesh
(E) Bhutan
Ans : (D)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Syllabus for B.Sc. Botany

Syllabus for B.Sc. Botany
B.Sc. I year
There will be Three theory papers and a practical examination as follows:
Paper I - Diversity of Viruses, Bacteria & Fungi               M. M.: 50
Paper II - Diversity of Algae, Lichens, & Bryophytes              M. M.: 50
Paper III - Diversity of Pteridophytes & Gymnosperms    M. M.: 50
(There will be 9 questions in each paper and candidate has to attempt only 5 questions. Q.1 will be
compulsory based on units I - IV. Two questions will be set from each unit of which one question has to be
attempted. All questions will carry equal marks.
Practicals: Based on papers I - III    M. M.: 50
The course detailes are as follows:-
Paper I: Diversity of Viruses, Bacteria, & Fungi                                           M.M. 50
History, nature and classification of Viruses, Bacteria and Fungi. 
History of virology and bacteriology; prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure (bacteria, mycoplasma
and yeast);  structure, classification and nature of viruses; structure (gram positive and gram negative)
and classification (based on cell structure) of bacteria; classification, thallus organisation and
reproduction in fungi; economic importance of fungi.
Viruses:Symptoms of virus infection in plants; transmission of plant viruses; genome organisation, replication
of plant virus (tobacco mosaic virus); techniques in plant viruses - purification, serology and electron
microscopy; structure and multiplication of bacteriophages; structure and multiplication of viroids.
Bacteria:Nutritional types of bacteria (based on carbon and energy sources), metabolism in different
nutritional types (basics only) and nitrogen cycle; bacterial genome and plasmids; bacterial cell division, 
variability in bacteria - mutation, principles of genetic recombination; techniques in sterilisation, bacterial
culture and staining; economic importance.
Fungi:The characteristics and life cycles of the following:
Mastigomycotina: Albugo, Pythium,; Ascomycotina: Saccharomyces, Aspergillus; Ascobolus;
Basidiomycotina : Ustilago, Puccinia, Polyporus, Agaricus;   Deuteromycotina: Fusarium.
Paper II - Diversity of Algae, Lichens, and Bryophytes    M.M. 50
General characters. Range of thallus organization, classification, ultrastructure of eukaryotic algal cell and
cyanobacterial cell, economic importance of algae. Lichens, classification, thallus organization, reproduction,
physiology and role in environmental pollution.
The characteristics and life cycles of the following:-
Cyanophyta   Microcystis, Oscillatoria :Chlorophyta Volvox, Hydrodictyon, Oedogonium, Coleochaete,
Chara; Bacillariophyta Navicula; Xanthopyta Vaucheria; Phaeophyta; Ectocarpus
Rhodophyta  Polysiphonia 
       Unit – III     
Bryophytes, general characters, classification, reproduction and affinities. Gametophytic and soporophytic
organization of:
Bryopsida: Pogonatum; Anthocerotopsida: Anthoceros
                 Unit - IV               
Gametophytic and sporophytic organization of Hepaticopsida : Riccia, Marchantia.

Paper III – Diversity of Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and elementary Palaeobotany   M.M. 50
      Unit - I                 
Pteridophytes: General features, classification, stellar system and its evolution. Comparative study of
morphology, anatomy, development, vegetative and reproductive systems of following:
Lycopsida - Lycopodium, Selaginella;Psilopsida-  Rhynia
   Unit – II                                             
General and comparative account of gametophytic and sprophytic system in
Filicopsida -Pteridium, Nephrolepis. Marsilea. 
Heterospory and seed habit. 
                Unit - III     
Gymnosperms: General characters, classification. Comparative study of morphology, anatomy,
development of vegetative and reproductive parts in: 
Cycadales: Cycas
  Unit –IV                                              
Study of morphology, anatomy, development and reproductive parts in:
Coniferales – Pinus ; Gnetales - Ephedra
Affinities and relationship of Gymnosperms, evolutionary significance.
Elementary Palaeobotany: general account, types of fossils, methods of fossilization and geological time
B.Sc. II year
Paper I: Diversity of Angiosperms: Systematics, Development & Reproduction       M.M. 50
Paper II: Cytology, Genetics, Evolution & Ecology                         M.M. 50
Paper III: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry                 M.M. 50
(There will be 9 questions in each paper and candidate has to attempt only 5 questions. Q.1 will be compulsory
based on units I - IV. Two questions will be set from each unit of which one question has to be attempted. All
questions will carry equal marks)
Practicals: Based on papers I-III                   M.M. 50    
Paper - I: Diversity of Angiosperms: Systematics, Development & Reproduction  M.M. 50
Unit - 1
Principles of classification, nomenclature; comparative study of different classification systems, viz. Linnaeus,
Bentham & Hooker, Engler & Prantl, Hutchinson, and Cronquist. Herbarium techniques and important Botanic
Unit – II
Taxonomic study of following families and their economic importance:
Dicots; Nymphaeaceae, Nelumbonaceae. Ranunculaceae, Malvaceae, Bombacaceae, Brassicaceae,
Cucurbitaceac, Rosaceae, Leguminosacae, Myrtaceae, Rutaceae, Apiaceae, Apocynaceae, Solanaceae,
Convolvulaceae, Cuscutaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Acanthaceae, Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, Rubiaceae,
Euphorbiaceae, and Amaranthaceae.
Monocots: Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Arecaceae. Liliaceae.
Unit - III
External morphology of vegetative and floral parts; modifications – phyllodes, cladodes, and phylloclades.
Meristems-kinds study of tissue system - epidermal, ground, and vascular. 
Anatomy of roots, stems, and leaves.  Cambium - its function and anomalies in roots and stems.
           Unit – IV      
Structure and development of male and female gametophytes – microsporogenesis microgametogenesis,
megasporogenesis, and megagametogenesis, embryo sac types. Double fertilization development of embryo,
endosperm development and its morphological nature, apomixis and polyembryony.
Paper II: Cytology, Genetics, Evolution & Ecology M.M. 50 
Unit - I
Cell structure, cell organelles, nucleus, chromosome structure, nucleosome and solenoid model, salivary gland,
lampbrush and B chromosomes. 
Cell division – mitosis, meiosis; their significance, chromosomal aberrations
        Unit- II 
Genetics, laws of inheritance; gene interaction; linkage and; cytoplasmic inheritance; sex determination.
Mutation- spontaneous, induced mutations, molecular  mechanism and evolutionary significance; polyploidy-
origin, kinds and role in evolution. Evidences and theories of evolution.
  Unit - IV 
Ecology, relation with other disciplines. Plant types: Hydrophytes - Hydrilla, Eichhorina, Nymphaea, Typha.
Xerophytes – Nerium, Casuarina, Saccharum, Begonia. Plant succession – xeroseres, hydroseres. Ecosystems -
concept, basic types, components, & functioning.
Paper III - Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. M.M. 5O
Unit - I 
Plant and water relationship, colligative properties of water, free energy concept. Water uptake,  conduction,
transpiration, mechanism and its regulation by environmental variables. 
Mineral nutrition : Macro, and micronutrients, their role, deficiency and toxicity symptoms, plant culture
practices, mechanism of ion uptake and translocation. 
Unit - II  
Photosynthesis and Chemosynthesis : photosynthetic pigments, O2 evolution, photophosphorylation, CO 2
fixation - C3- C4 and CAM plants.
Respiration : aerobic and anaerobic respiration, respiratory pathways glycolysis, krebs 'cycle, electron
transport, oxidative phosphorylation, pentose phosphate pathway, photorespiration, cyanide resistant
respiration. Lipid biosynthesis and its oxidation.
Unit - III  
Nitrogen metabolism : atmospheric nitrogen fixation, nitrogen cycle, nitrogen assimilation,
Growth: general aspects of phytohormones, inhibitors-auxins. kinetin, gibberellins, and ethylene: action and
their application; photoperiodisin and vernalization. Germination, growth movements, parthenocarpy,
abscission and senescence.
Unit - IV
Biomolecules : Classification, properties and biological role of carbohydrates, Protein and lipids. Chemistry of
nucleic acids.
Discovery and nomenclature. Characteristics of enzymes, concepts of holoenzyme, apoenzyme, coenzyme and
cofactors. Regulation of enzyme activity, Mechanism of action.    5
B.Sc. III year
Paper I: Plant resource utilisation, Palynology and Biostatistics  M.M. 75
Paper II: Molecular biology & biotechnology                                         M.M. 75
Paper III: Environment Botany and Plant Pathology                          M.M. 75
(There will be 9 questions in each paper and candidate has to attempt only 5 questions. Q.1 will be compulsory
based on Units I - IV. Two questions will be set from each unit of which one question has to be attempted. All
questions will carry equal marks)
Practicals: Based on papers I-III                                  M.M. 75
Paper I Plant Resource utilization, Palynology and Biostatistics      75 marks
       Unit I     
Centres of diversity of plants, origin of crop plants. Domestication and introduction of crop plants. Concepts of
sustainable development; cultivation, production and uses of - wheat, rice, legumes, sugarcane
        Unit II      
A general account of plants yielding oils, spices, beverages. An account of major fiber, medicinal, petro, plants of
Uttar Pradesh. 
                 Unit III    
Conservation of plants resources for agriculture and forestry.
In situ conservation santuaries, national parks, biosphere reserves, wetlands, ,mangroves.
Exsitu conservation; botanical gardens, field gene banks, seed banks, cryobanks.
Unit IV
An introductory knowledge to palynology, morphology, viability and germination of pollens.
Classification of data, mean, median and mode. Standard deviation, standard error, variance, co-relation, X2
and experimental designs
Paper II: Molecular biology and biotechnology  M.M. 75
         Unit – I    
Nucleic acid as genetic material, nucleotides, structure of nucleic acids, properties of genetic code, codons
assignments, chain initiation of codons mechanism of protein synthesis and its regulation.
Unit - II
Structure and properties polysaccharides, aminoacids, proteins, vitamins and harmones; Enzymes: active sites,
specificity, mechanisms, factors, general aspects of enzyme kinetics. Bioenergetics: Laws of thermodynamics,
concept of Gibb's free energy, high energy compounds.
            Unit - III 
Replication of DNA in prokaryotes and enkaryotes, gene expression and regulation. Hormonal control and
second messengers Ca-+, Cyclic AMP, IP3 etc.
           Unit- IV   
Introduction to biotechnology, recombinant DNA technology, plant tissue culture, methods of gene transfer,
transgenic plants, biotechnology and healthcare, microbial and environmental biotechnology.
Paper III- Environmental botany and plant pathology M.M. 75
                Unit - I  
Mineral resources of planet earth, Conservation of mineral resources. soils; types, properties and various problem
soils; water; the source of water, physico-chemical and  biological properties of water. Sustainable management
of water; energy resources in India; Forests: global forest wealth, importance of forests, deforestation.
           Unit - II  
Environmental pollution : air, water, soil, radioactive, thermal and noise pollutions, their sources, effects and
control. (greenhouse effect, ozone depletion and acid rain). CO2 enrichment and climate change.
      Unit - III  
Biodiversity and Phytogeography : biotic communities and populations, their characteristics and population
dynamics. Natural vegetation of India, static and dynamic plant geography, basic principles governing
geographical distribution of plants, endemism.
     Unit - IV  
Etiology of viral, bacterial, fungal and insect-pest diseases: mosaic diseases on tobacco, and cucumber, yellow
vein mosaic of bhindi; citrus canker, potato scab, little leaf of brinjal; damping off of seedlings late blight of
potato, red rot of sugarcane
Integrated pest disease management

e-Admit Card of Eligible Candidates for KVS PGT TGT & PRT Main Examination

Conduct of Main Examination for the Posts of PGT and TGT ( Art Education ,Work Experience , Phy. & Health Education), Librarian and PRT ( Music )


e-Admit Card of Eligible Candidates