Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Plant Physiology some important Fact

1. The number of A.T.P. molecules required to initiate beta-oxidation is 2ATP molecule,

2. The growth hormones responsible for Bolting — Gibberellins.

3. The final electron acceptor in pseudocyclic electron transport in chloroplast is — Oxygen.

4. Photolysis of water during photosynthesis occurs with the help of — PS-II.

5. Lock and Key Theory of enzyme structure and function was proposed by — Fischer.

6. The photosynthetic evolution of oxygen requires — Mn enzyme.

7. The terminal electron acceptor released from PS- II is Chl-A-273 or Pheophytine ( Chl.A without Mg)

8. The isotopes that have proved useful research on photosynthesis are C-14 & O-18

9. Ths plant which flowers only once in life time are termed as Monocarpic.

10. AcetyCO-A is the connecting link between — Glycolysis & Kreb cycle.

11. The formula for Chitin C-22 H-54 N-4 O-21

12. The process of release of water through an intact plant is called — Guttation.

13. The enzymes which occur in multiple molecular form within a plant system are called — Isoenzyme.

14. The term Apoplast and Symplast were used first by — Munch.

15. A flash of light in the dark inhibits flowering in —Short Day Plant.

16. The role of inorganic elements in plant growth was at first indicated by — Knoop.

17. Cyclic photophosphorylation is associated with - PS-1

18. The hormone which has negative effect on apical dominance is —Cytokinin.

19. The pigment responsible for germination of light sensitive seeds is known as — Phytochrome.

20. The phytohoromone which is supposed to be one of the factors responsible for regulating the opening and closing of stomata — AB Acid.

21. Seed Dormancy helps the plants in —Overcoming unfavorable climatic condition.

22, The enzyme inactivated by oxygen — Nitrogenase.

23._The enzyme concerned with Ammonia assimilation — Glutamine synthetase.

24. Some flowers open during the day and close at night. This is known as —Photonasty.

25. Anaerobic respiration - takes place in — Cytoplasm.

26. The pigment concerned with both floral induction and seed germination is — Phytochrome.

27. The substrate for photorespiration is — Glycolate.

28. The chief function of seive tube element is — to translocate the organic material from source to sink.

29. Substance related to photoropism is Auxin.

30. The process of oxidative phosphorylation takes place in — Mitochondria.

31 The induction of formation of Interfascicular cambrium is by — Kinetine.

32. The technique & experimental --- organism used by calvin for calvin cycle were — Radioactive Isotope technique and Chlorella & Syndesmous.

33. In the respiratory electron transport system the final acceptor of electron is —Oxygen.

34. The green wavelength of sunlight is absorbed by —Phycoerythrin.

35. In the photosynthetic electron transport system the hydrogen transporter is —Plastoquinone.

36. The water uptake by germinating seed is mainly attributed to — Imbibition.

37. The source of ATP for symbiotic Nitrogen fixation in the root nodules is — Pyruvate.

38. The coenzyme involved in transamination reaction is — Pyridoxal phosphate.

39. A plant growth regulator related with me inhibition of senescence is Gibberallic Acid.

40. The copper containing protein involved in electron transfer from PS- II—PS-I during photosynthesis — Plastocyanin.

41. the final product of beta-oxidation in plants — Acetyl CO-A.

42. The first CO2 acceptor in C4 plants — PEP

43. the mesophyll cells of CAM plants, CO2 fixation during day occurs

through – RUDP carboxylase.

44. Tracer elements are — Radioisotope

45. Plastocyanin is a metalo protein that contains —Copper.

46. The light absorbed by phycocyanin pigment is at the wavelength of — 620 nm

47. The Hydrogen donor in bacterial photosynthesis — H2S  here only PS-I is found Pig B-890

48. The apparatus commonly used to measure the rate of transpiration is — Potometer.

49. The first electron acceptor in photosystem — I of Cyclic photo-phosphorylation is —Ferrodoxin,

50. The phytohormone involved in the de novo synthesis of a-amylase in germinating barley seeds is — Gibberellin.

51. In C4 plants NO3- assimilation occurs in — Bundle.sheeth cells.

52. Bundle sheath cells Chloroplast are large without grana. while mesophyll Chloroplast  are smaller with grana.

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