Thursday, May 10, 2012

India Facts An Overview

        Indian landmass has an area of Over 12, 69,219 sq miles (32, 87,263 sq km) of which 10,861 sq miles are included in seven Union Territories and the rest in the 28 states. It expanses 3214 km north to south, 2933km east to west. As per the geographic location is concerned, India is situated at latitude 8.4'N to 37.9'N and longitudinally between 68.7'E to 97.25'E.
There 638365 villages, which consist of 74 per cent of total population.
The population stood over 121 million (in 2011), which 16 per cent to world population. Population density of India is 386. Hindus constitute 80.44 per cent; Muslims constitute 13.42 per cent and other 6.14 per cent of total population.
Per Capita Annual Income in India is Rs 36003.
Getting into literacy, 74.09 per cent populations is literate and has life expectancy of 65.2 years.
Every man and women of 18 years and above is an elector for the House of the people and Legislative assembly. During the fifth general elections in 1971, the number of persons on the electoral roll was 190 million, which is more than that of the population of USA or the former USSR. On the revision of the electoral roll, the number mounted up to 361 million and as result of voting age limit to 18 it further increased up to 490 million. In 1996 it was recorded 590 , 2004 it was 675 million and in 2009 was 714 million.
General Election have been held in 1952, 1957, 1967, 1971, 1977, 1980, 1984, 1989, 1991, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2004 and 2009.
The constituent assembly had its first sitting on 9.12.1946.
The draft constitution of India, which was prepared by the drafting committee of the constituent assembly and presented by the president of the constituent assembly on 21.2.1948, contained 315 Articles and 8 Schedules.
The constitution of, as adopted on 26.11.1949, contained 395 Articles and 8 Schedules.
Up to December 2010, the constitution amends numbered 95. Amendment procedure refers to Article 368 of the constitution.

1 comment:

  1. nice post
