Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pathological disorders

Pathological disorders :

1. Glycosuria—Presence of Glucose in urine.

2. Hepatitis—Inflammation of liver.

3. Hernia—Many types, but usually the intestine protrudes down in scrotal sacs.

4. Jaundice—Condition characterized by yellowness of skin and of eyes, mucous membranes, and body fluids due to deposition of

bile pigments resulting from excess bilirubin in the blood.

5. Mumps—An acute cutageous febrile disease characterized by painful inflammation of parotid gland and other salivary glands.

6. Nausea—Feeling of vomiting.

7. Tonsillitis—Inflammation of tonsils, specially the faucial tonsil.

8. Vomiting—Protective reflex action as a result, gut contents ejected out through mouth by reverse peristalsis.

9. Eupnea—Normal quiet breathing.

10. Hypopnea—Decreased breathing rate and depth of breathing.

11. Hyperpnea—Increased breathing rate that is deeper than that usually experienced during normal activity.

12. Dyspnea—Difficult breathing or air hunger resulting in laboured condition, sometimes accompanied by pain. Normal when due to

athletic activity.

13. Polypnea—Very rapid breathing.

14. Orthopnea—Discomfort to breathe in horizontal position, but comfortable in erect sitting or standing position.

15. Acapnea—Literally, absence of carbon dioxide, but it is used to indicate the presence of less than normal amount of carbon dioxide in blood and tissues.

16. Asphyxia—Condition caused by insufficient intake of oxygen.

17. Hypoxia—Oxygen demand of tissue is not met completely due to decreased concentration of oxygen in the inspired air.

18. Anoxia—Tissue is completely deprived of oxygen or without oxygen.

19. Acidosis—Decreased pH in blood and increased hydrogen ion concentration.

20. Alkalosis—High pH due to excessive alkalinity of body fluids.

21. Diuresis—Passing out of large volume of dilute urine in diabetes insipidus.

22. Oliguria—Excretion of scanty urine or infrequent urination.

23. Dysuria—Painful or difficult urination.

24. Uremia—Toxic condition associated with renal insufficiency produced by the retention in the blood of nitrogenous substances normally excreted by the kidney.

25. Nephrosis—Degenerative changes in kidney.

26. Hematuria—The discharge of urine containing blood often associated with diseases of the kidney.

27. Polycythemia—Increased R. B. C. count.

28. Bradycardia—Slow heart beat characterized by slow pulse rate.

29. Tachycardia—Abnormal increased heart beat.

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