Tuesday, October 29, 2013

current GS

1.Name the cyclone which was hit to Indian states Odisha and Andhra Pradesh ?

Answer: Phailin

2.Typhoon Nari was hit over which country ?

Answer: Philippines

3. 2013 Nobel Prize for economics winner?

Answer: Robert Shiller, Eugene Fama, and Lars Peter Hansen

4.Who is the winner of DSC Prize for South Asian Literature 2013 ?

Answer: Jeet Thayil (Narcopolis)

5.Winner of 2013 Shanghai Masters title ?

Answer: Novak djokovic

6.. Name the UIDAI chairman who was recently in news?

Answer: Nandan Nilekani

7.Newly appointed India’s hockey coach?

Answer: Terry Walsh

8.Recently elected SBI first women chairperson?

answer: arundhati bhattacharya

9. Man Booker prize 2013 winner?

Answer : Eleanor Catton

10. What is the full form for ” NDMA” ?

Answer : National Disaster Management Agency

11. What is the nationality of Eleanor Catton?

answer : New Zealand

12.what is name for India’s Mars mission?

Answer : Mangalyaan

13. who is the youngest man booker prize winner?

Answer : Eleanor Catton

Wednesday, October 16, 2013



♣ अरुणाचल प्रदेश- २०फेब्रुवारी१९८७.

♣ आंध्र प्रदेश- ०१ऑक्टोबर १९५३.

♣ आसाम- २६जानेवारी१९५०.

♣ उत्तर प्रदेश- १५ऑगस्ट१९४७....

♣ उत्तरांचल- ०९नोव्हेंबर२०००.

♣ ओरिसा- १५ऑगस्ट१९४७.

♣ कर्नाटक- १५ऑगस्ट१९४७.

♣ केरळ- ०१नोव्हेंबर १९५६.

♣ गुजरात- ०१मे१९६०.

♣ गोवा- ३०मे१९८७.

♣ छत्तीसगढ- ०१नोव्हेंबर २०००.

♣ जम्मू काश्मिर- २६ऑक्टोबर १९४७.

♣ झारखंड- १५नोव्हेंबर २०००.

♣ तामिळनाडू- १५ऑगस्ट१९४७.

♣ त्रिपुरा- २१जानेवारी १९७२.

♣ नागालॅंड- ०१डिसेंबर१९६३.

♣ पंजाब- १५ऑगस्ट१९४७.

♣ पश्चिम बंगाल- १५ऑगस्ट१९४७.

♣ बिहार- १५ऑगस्ट१९४७.

♣ मणिपूर- २१जानेवारी १९७२.

♣ मध्य प्रदेश- ०१ऑगस्ट१९५६.

♣ महाराष्ट्र- ०१मे१९६०.

♣ मिजोराम- २०फेब्रुवारी १९८७.

♣ मेघालय- १५एप्रिल१९७०.

♣ राजस्थान- ०१नोव्हेंबर १९५६.

♣ सिक्किम- १६मे१९७५.

♣ हरियाणा- ०१नोव्हेंबर १९६६.

♣ हिमाचल प्रदेश- २५जानेवारी१९७१.

केंद्रशासित प्रदेश

♣ अंदमान आणि निकोबार- ०१नोव्हेंबर १९५६.

♣ चंढीगढ- १९६६

♣ दादरा नगरहवेली- ११ ऑगस्ट१९६१.

♣ दिव दमण- ३०मे१९८७.

♣ पॉंडीचेरी- ०७जानेवारी १९६३.

♣ लक्षद्विप- ०१नोव्हेंबर १९५६.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

बैंकों के बारे में कुछ महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी

बैंकों के बारे में कुछ महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी


1. भारत में खुलने वाला पहला बैंक – बैंक ऑफ हिन्दुस्तान (सन् 1770 में खुला)

2. चेक सिस्टम जारी करने वाला भारत का पहला बैंक – बंगाल बैंक (Bengal Bank) द्वारा पहली बार सन् 1784 में चेक सिस्टम जारी किया गया

3. बचत खाता (Savings Bank a/c) खोलने वाला भारत का प्रथम बैंक – प्रेसीडेंसी बैंक (Presidency Bank) द्वारा पहली बार सन् 1830 में बचत खाता खोला गया......

4. भारत में खुलने वाला पहला विदेशी बैंक – Comptoire d’Escompte de Paris of France (सन् 1860 में खुला)

5. वर्तमान में कार्यरत भारत का सबसे पुराना बैंक – इलाहाबाद बैंक (Allahabad Bank)

6. विदेश में शाखा खोलने वाला भारत का प्रथम बैंक – बैंक ऑफ इन्डिया ने सन् 1946 में भारत के बाहर लंदन में पहली बार अपनी शाखा खोली

7. म्युचुअल फंड आरम्भ करने वाला प्रथम बैंक – भारतीय स्टेट बैंक (State Bank of India)

8. क्रेडिट कार्ड जारी करने वाला प्रथम बैंक – सेंट्रल बैंक ऑफ इन्डिया

9. ATM सेवा शुरू करने वाला प्रथम बैंक – HSBC

10. इन्टरनेट बैंकिंग सेवा शुरू करने वाला प्रथम बैंक – ICICI

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

RAS Pre Papers GK,GS 2008

RAS Pre Papers GK,GS 2008

1. Minamata disease is caused by:

A. Mercury

B. Cadmium

C. Lead

D. Zinc

Ans: A

2. Govt. of rajasthan has constituted one organization to advise the govt. on reforms in economic matters is:

A. Economic policy and reform counsel

B. Reform committee on economic policy

C. Council for economic reforms

D. Economic advisory committee:

Ans: A

3. Under which article of Indian constitution, it is the duty of the Union govt. to protect states against external aggression and internal disturbance:

A. 355

B. 356

C. 352

D. 360

Ans: A

4. Which one of the following group of organism has significance in diagnosing the death by drowning:

A. Lichens

B. Protozoa

C. Cyanobacteria

D. Diatoms

5. Heavy rainfall in pushkar, where does the flood occurs:

A. Ajmer

B. Sawaimadhopur

C. Balotara

D. Sojat

Ans: C

6. On a specific day and time temp. was 48 degree C in churu and 24 C in Shimla, Two metallic cups identical in all respects contained water at 95 degree C in churu and 71 Degree  in shimla. Which one of these two cups reached room temp. first:

A. Cup in Churu

B. Cup in shimla

C. Both reached room temp. at same time

D. Data are not enough to find out results

Ans: C

7. Who won the Booker Prize 2008:

A. Arvind adiga

B. Aruna Roy

C. Rajendra Singh

D. Megha Patekar

Ans: A

8. The first woman four star genera in US military is:

Ans: Anne Dun Woody

9. Which one of the following acid is formed during the change of milk into curd

A. Acetic acid

B. Ascorbic Acid

C. Citric Acid

D. Lactic Acid

Ans: D

10. What is the height of Guru shikar peak in Rajasthan

A. 1722

B. 1724

C. 1750

D 1780 Meter

Ans: A (1722 Meters)

11. Kharia, Raswani, Shibhala and Udisbhar are:

A. Wines

B. Kuchamani Khyal actors

C. Villages in Barmer

D. Kota doriya sarees type

Ans: C

12. "Archaeopteryx" is connecting link between:

A. Amphibia and aves

B. Reptiles and aves

C. Reptiles and Mammals

D. Aves and Mammals

Ans: B

13. CIMMCO is:

Ans: CIMMCO wagon factory restarted in Bharatpur after 8 Years

14. Port Pradeep is located at:

A. Kerala

B. West Bengal

C. Karnataka

D. Orissa

Ans: D

15. Mangla-Bhagyam, Shakti and Aishwarya is:

A. Plans for SC/ST Girls

B. Oil Discoveries

C. Universities in Pvt. Sector

D. Natural gas units

Ans: B

16. Among the crafts that have been shortlisted by National Institute of Design for geographical indicator status is:

Ans: Jaipur for Blue pottery and Udaipur for Clay work

17. Pearl is mainly constituted of:

A. Calcium carbonate

B. Calcium Sulphate

C. Calcium Oxalate

d. Calcium Oxide

Ans: A

18. FINGER LAKE REGION is located at:


B. Australia

C. Austria


Ans: A

19. Major flood in Kawas, Barmer occur in:

A. 2005

B. 2006

C. 2007

D. 2008

Ans: B

20. Which Scent has Headquarter in Shahpura, Bhilwara

A. Dadu

B. Vallabh

C. Nimbark

D. Ramsnehi

Ans: D

21. Author of Ashtadhyayi is:

A. Varahmihir

B. Kalidas

C. Panini

D. Balram

Ans: A

22. Adamya Chetna trust, Havells India LTD, Hindustan Zinc, DSCL Kota is related to:

A. Production of Handicraft and Industrial goods

B. Mid day meal programme

C. Infrastructure Development in Rajasthan

D. SEZ in rajasthan

Ans: B

23. The whole dispute between Subhas chandra bose and Right wing, after the Tripuri session of congress centers around to the question of:

A. Formation of congress working comittee

B. Policy towards princely states

C. Attitute towards central govt.

D. Double membership of Socialist party workers

Ans: A

24. Rajasthan Born Industrialist Help CM Raman for Research with Rs. 22000 in 1920 was:

A. Purshotam das bajaj

B. Jamshedji tata

C. Mangiram Bangur

D. Ghanshyam das birla

Ans: D

25. Author of ANDHAYUG is:

A. Ramdhari singh Dinkar

B. Mahaveer prasad Diwedi

C. Dharam veer Bharti

D. Mohan Rakesh

Ans: C

26. UN General Assembly President is:

A. Hib Major

B. Miguel D'Escoto

C. J. Chirac

D. Jian Zemin

Ans: B

Rasexam.com Tips: Current President is Abdulaziz Al-Nasser of Qatar

27. Atlas Mountains are situated in:

A. Asia

B. Africa

C. Australia

D. Europe

Ans: B

28. Per capita income at current Price in Rajasthan during 2007-2008 is about:

A. 20000

B. 22000

C 24000

D 18000

Ans: B

29. Nawalgarh(Sikar) was in news because of:

Ans: The Govt. has taken responsibility to provide the land to cement manufacturer.

30. Which one of the following changes occuer when salt is added in water:

Ans: Boiling point is increased while freezing point is decreased.

31. When a person enters in a dark room from strong linght area he is not able to see clearly for some time. later he gradually begins to see things. this is because:

A. Change in the size of Pupil.

32.  Exclude which is not correct:

Ans: Bureau of investment promotion is an agency for promotion of small scale industry projects.

33. The art style which combines indian and greek feature is called:

A. Sikhar

B. Verra

C. Gandhar

D. Nagar

Ans: C

34. First DNA Bank of asia is established at:

A. Jaipur

B. Kota

C. Chennai

D. Lucknow

35. Raika's in rajasthan are:

A. Traditional Hourse breeders

B. Traditional Camel Breeders

C. Used to sell goods from village to village

D. Salt traders

Ans: B

36. First session of Rajputana-Madhyabharat Sabha was held at:

A. Delhi

B. Ajmer

C. Indore

D. Udaipur

Ans: A

37. Author of "The audacity of Hope" is:

A. Nayan tara sehgal

B. Salman rushdie

C. Vikram seth

D. Barack Obama

Ans: D

38. RIDCOR Stands for:

Ans: Road Infrastructure Development Company of Rajasthan.

39. Inscription which through light on writing of Maharana Kumba is:

Ans: Kirtistambha Prashasti 1460

40. Gyan Peetha award on 6th Nov 2008 given to:

A. Vinit Narayan

B. Rehman Rahi

C. Kamleshwar

D. Gyan Chaturvedi

Ans: B

41. For which desirable character the transgenic Crop "GOLDEN RICE" is produced:

A. Vitamin A

B. Amino acid

C. Insulin

D. Starch

Ans: A

42. World's youngest king belongs to:

A. Saudi arebia

B. Japan

C. Bhutan

D. Thailand

Ans: C

43. mammoth is the ancestor of:

A. Dog

B. Horse

C. Camel

D. Elephant

44. Which district produced largest ISABGOL:

A. Jhalawar

B. Jalore

C. Sirohi

D. Bundi

Ans: B

45. "Lasodia Movement was launched by:

A. Mavji

B. Govind giri

C. Surmal das

D.  Motilal Tejawat

Ans: C

46. Chairmen of ISRO is:

A. KS Kasturirangan

B. Abdul Kalam

C. Madhavan Nair

D. KM Bhandari

Ans: C

Rasexam.com  Tips: Current ISRO Chairmen is K. Radhakrishnan

47. Most stable ecosystem is:

A. Forest

B. Grassland

C. Desert

D. Marine

Ans: D

48. Which tree is called "Flame of Forest in rajasthan"

A. Khejri

B. Neem

C. Palas

D. Paras peepul

Ans: C

49. Which city is called Suncity:

A. Jaipur

B. Jodhpur

C. Bikaner

D. Jaisalmer

Ans: B

50. Common thing among arya samaj, Brahm Samaj  and Ramkrishan mission is:

Ans:None of these three had a political mission but they helped to develop a spirit of patriotism

51. Incorrect about NREGA:

Ans: This act specifies the individuals works but only for the SC and ST below poverty line.

52. Mahajanpad situated on bank of river godawari was:

A. Avanti

B. Vatsa

C. Assaka

D. Kamboja

53. Nethra-ki-pal is known for mineral:

A. Iron ore

B. Copper

C. Lead and Zinc

D. Manganese

Ans: A

54. Bull-Seal of Indus valley civilization was found at:

A. Harappa

B. Chanhudaro

C. Lothal

D. Mohenjodaro


55. Incorrect about Inflation:

Ans: Fr some commodities retain prices are also considered for measurement of Inflation

56. District with least population density in rajasthan:

A. Bikaner

B. Barmer

C. Jaisalmer

D. Jodhpur

Ans: C

57. Bio-Magnification means:

Ans: Increasing the amount of pesticides in the organisms of successive tropic level.

58. CHANDRAYAN-I was lauched from:

A. Orissa

B. Tamilnadu

C. Karnataka


Ans: D

59. By which process Alum cleans the muddy water:

A. Absorption

B. Adsorption

C. Coagulation

D. Dialysis

Ans: C

61. Handloom mark shows the standard of:

A. Handloom cloths

B. Craft works

C. Hand embroidery

D. Hand Block printing

Ans: A

62. Which country has signed an agreement on Civil nuclear cooperation with India in sept. 2008:

A. Australia

B. Japan

C. Brazil

D. France

Ans: D

63. Who was appointed the president of South africa after resignation of Thabo Mbeki:

Ans: Kglea Motlanthe

64. Desert development programme was started in rajasthan:

A. 1960-61

B. 1977-78

C. 1982-82

D. 1994-95

Ans: B

65.  Which pair is matching:

Ans: Masuria Dori - Kota

66. Under whose command marwari forces was sent to support sanga against Babar:

A. Rao ganga

B. Maldeo

C. Biram Deo

D. Suja

Ans: B

67. The Hot spot of biodiversity in india:

Ans: Eastern Himalaya and Western Ghat

68. Who has been chosen for Bharat Ratna:

A. Devanand

B. Pandit Bhimsen Jodhi

C. Kanshi Ram

D. Atal Bihari Vajpayee

69. Mahakma Baquit was used for:

Ans: Charge the revenue arearers in good harvest year

71. Generally Coral reefs are found at:

Ans: Between tropics of Cancer and Capricorn coastal areas.

72. Which one of following is used for synthesis of Polythene:

A. Methan

B. Ethane

C. Propane

D. Butane

Ans: B

73. A Bird eye review of macro economic development under various programmes launched by the state govt. in rajasthan is availabe in:

Ans: Economic Review

74. How many Million plus cities india have (CENSUS 2001)

A. 39

B. 49

C. 29

D. 59

Ans: A

75. National water development agency was established in year:

A. 1969

B. 1970

C. 1980

D. 1990

Ans: C

76. Author of Nyaya darshan was:

A. Gautam

B. Kanad

C. Kapil

D. Badrayan

Ans: A

77. KANDHAMAL is part of:

A. Orissa

B. Rajasthan

C. Maharashtra

D. Gujarat

Ans: A

78. Indian PM elected RS MP from:

A. Punjab

B. Assam

C. Haryana

D. Gujarat

Ans: B

79. In which province Muslim league formed govt. after 1946 election:

A. Bengal

B. North east frontier

C. Punjab

D. Bihar

Ans: A

80. Which city is known as Menchaster of rajasthan:

A. Kota

B. Udaipur

C. Pali

D. Bhilwara

Ans: D

81. Pheromones are found in:

A. Insects

B. Snakes

C. Birds

D. Bats

Ans: A

82. Which is not part of seven sisters:

A. Meghalaya

B. West bengal

C. Arunachal Pradesh

D. Tripura

Ans: B

83. Main function of colonisation in rajasthan is to:

A. Provide residential plots

B. Acquire land by govt.

C. provide irrigation facility

D. Allot land

84. Who is governor of West Bengal:

A. Gopal Gandhi

B. Shiv charan mathur

C. Surjit singh barnala

D. Nawal kishore sharma

Ans: A

85. Which act intriduced DYARCHY at the center:

A. Act of 1909

B. Govt of India, ACT 1919

C. Govt of India, ACT 1935

D. Govt of Indai, ACT 1947

Ans: C

86. Symbol of world wild life is:

A. Polar bear

B. White bear

C. Red panda

D. Cheeta

Ans: C

88. In which direction Monsoon rainfall in rajasthan increases

A. Southwest-northeast

B. Southeast-Northwest

C. Northwest-Southeast

89.Dhawadiya were the persons:

Ans: Who used to participate in the race.

90. By which process the sea water can be converted into pure water:

A. Deliquescence

B. Efflorescence

C. Electric separation

D. Reverse Osmosis

Ans: D

91. Jal durg is situated at:

A. Ajmer

B. Aamer

C. Siwana

D. Gangron

92. Azolla-Anabaena Bio-fertilizer is used for crop:

A. Wheat

B. Rice

C. Mustard

D. Cotton

93. "Bani Thani" Painting is related to:

A. Bundi school

B. Kishangarh School

C. Chavand school

D. Jaipur School

94. Which group of district has highest forest area:

A. Baran-udaipur, chittorgarh

B. Bharatpur, jhalawar,kota

C. Karauli, sirohi, dungarpur

D. Banswara,dholpur,rajsamand

Ans: A

95. Which statement is false:

Ans: The Blue wave scattered more than violet wave of light so that the sky appears blue.

96. Maximum production of KHAS comes from:

A. Sawaimadhopur, tonk, bharatpur

B. Ganganagar, dausa, alawar

C. Jhalawar, Kota-Bundi

D. Dungarpur-Banswara-Udaipur

Ans: A

97. Who represented Congress in 2nd Round table conference:

A. Jawaharlal nehru

B. Motilal nehru

C. Abdul kalam azad

D. Mahatma gandhi

Ans: D

98. Author of "VANSA BHASKAR":

A. Bankidas

B. Gauri shankar ojha

C. Shyamaldas

D. Surajmal Mishran

Ans: D

99. "MAITRI EXPRESS" train is introduced between:

A. Kolkata and dhaka

B. Amritsar and lahore

C. Delhi and srinagar

D. Lucknow and kathmandu

Ans: A

100. Baxa tiger project is located at:


B. Rajasthan

C. Gujarat

D. West bengal

Ans: D

RAS/RTS Exam GK Solved Question Paper 2010

RAS/RTS Exam GK Solved Question Paper 2010

1.  1 Fourth buddhist council held in Kashmir under emperor:

A. Ashoka

B. Kala Ashok

C. Kanishka

D. Ajatshatru

Ans: C

2. Which place is situated between valley of Ghagghar and its tributaries:

A. Aalamgirpur

B. Lothal

C. Mohan Jodaro

D. Banawali

Ans: D

3. During Mourya period the Tax on Land was collected by officer:

A. Agronomai

B. Shulka-adhyaksha

C. Sita- Adhyaksha

D. Aka-Adhyaksha

Ans: C

4. During Gupta Period, Gujarat, Bengal, Deccan and Tamil is center of:

A. Cloth Production

B. Jewellary

C. Handicrafts

D. Afeef cultivation

Ans: A

5. During Sangam period Kon, Ko and Mannan is synonyms of:

A. Prime Minister

B. Finance Minister

C. Army Chief

D. King

Ans: D

6. "Ashta Diggaj" name is used for king:

A. Shivaji

B. Krishna dev rai

C. Rajendra -I

D. Yashovardhan

Ans: B

7. First Murti-Pooja(idol worship) in India was done for:

A. Brahma

B. Vishnu

C. Buddha

D. Shiv

Ans: C

8. Write of Book "Kitab-Ul-Hind" is:

A. Hasan Nizami

B. Minhas us siraj

C. Albaruni

D. Shams-A-Siraj afif

Ans: C

9. During Akbar period Land revenue system "Ain-A-Dahsala" was developed by"

A. Shahnawaj Khan

B. Abdul rahim Khankhana

C. Todarmal

D. Mullah Do Pyaja

Ans: C

10. "God know only good things of Human not his Caste, In next world there will not be any caste" This belongs to which scent:

A, Ramanand

B. Dadu

C. Nanak

D. Ramanuj

Ans: C

11.First three Universities (Kolkata, Mumbai, Madras) was etablished in year:

A. 1857

B. 1881

C. 1885

D. 1905

Ans: A

12. 1924 Congress adhiveshan was held under chairmanship of Mahatma Gandhi at:

A. Gaya

B. Amritsar

C. Belgaon

D. Kanpur

Ans: A

13. On 14th July 1942, "BHARAT CHODO ANDOLAN" was passed at:

A. Bombay

B. Vardha

C. Lucknow

D. Tripura

Ans: A

14. 19th century's main Parsi Socialite is:

A. Jamshed Ji

B. Rustam Bahramji

C. Nawaji Tata

D. Bahramji M Mallbari

15. Find the Unmatched from following:

A. Mahi Bajaj sagar - Gujarat and Rajasthan

B. Chambal Pariyojna - Rajasthan and MP

C. Vyas Pariyojna - Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana

D. Indira Gandhi Canal - Rajasthan and Punjab

Ans: D

16. Chota Nagpur plateau is known for:

A. Skilled workers

B. Minerals

C. Hydraulic Power

D. Fertile Soil

Ans: B

17. State with Highest Minerals exploration is:

A. Karnataka

B. Kerala

C. Maharashtra

D. Tamilnadu

18. Tamilnadu-Andhrapradesh coastal area is known as:

A. Coromandel

B. Malabar

C. Konkan

D. North Sarkar

Ans: A

19. Rain during winter in Tamilnadu is because of:

A. Western Vikshob

B. South-West Mansoon

C. North-East Mansoon

D. South-East Mansoon

Ans: C

20. Maximum area of Manipur is:

A. Plain

B. Hill

C. plateau

D. Marsh (DALDAL)

Ans: B

21. Western Himalay is known for:

A. Forest

B. Metalic Minerals

C. Non-Metalic Minerals

D. Atomic Minerals

Ans: A

22. Kapili River is tributary of Following river:

A. Gnga

B. Gandak

C. Kosi

D. Brahmputra

Ans: D

Tips from www.rasexam.com: Rivers in India

23.  Khari River is part of which River system:

A. Arab Sagar

B. Internal

C. None

D. Bay of Bengal

Ans: A

Tips from www.rasexam.com: Rivers in India

24.  Sariska and Ranthambore is reserved for which animal:

A. Lion

B. Deer

C. Bear

D. Tiger

Ans: D

25. Which is newest Biosphere reserve of India:

A. Nokrek

B. Dehang Debang

C. Simpilipal

D. Cold Desert

Ans: C

26. Which of following is Not union territory:

A. Tripura

B. Daman and Deu

C. Lakshyadweep

D. Pudducherry

Ans: A

27. Kerala is known in world for:

A. Rubber

B. Sugarcane


D. Rice

Ans: C

28. National park known for Rhino(GENDA):

A. Kaziranga

B. Gir

C. Ranthambore

D. Carbet

Ans: A

29. Mixed Agriculture is:

A. Growing different crops

B. Rabi and Khareef Crops at same time

C. Various Crops with Animal

D. Crops and Vegetables both at same time

30. "MOKA" coffee is produced by:

A. Iraq

B. Brazil

C. Argentina

D. Yaman

Ans: D

31. Which region is known for its Metals in South America:

A. Plateau of Brazil

B. Boliviya Plateau

C. Pentagonia Plateau

D. Oriniko Besin

Ans: A

32. Celebes sea is situated at:

A. Central America

B. South-East Asia

C. Arctic Sea

D. North Sea

Ans: B

33. "KALI MANTAN" is part of:

A. Honsu

B. Borniyo

C. Kyuba

D. Medagaskar

Ans: B

34. Baku is known for which Mineral::

A. Gold

B. Iron

C. Crude Oil

D. Zinc

Ans: C

35. Chilli is know for Mineral:

A. Gold

B. Manganese

C. Nitrate

D. Crude Oil

Ans: C

36. Which statement is correct:

A. India is situated on Western Hemisphere

B.  Caspian Sea is Open sea

C. Rajasthan is situated in Cold desert region

D. North and South Poles are opposite poles

Ans: D

37. Indian Rupees Policy decision is taken by:

Ans: RBI

38. India Import which agri product:

A. Pulses

B. Coffee

C. Sugar

D. Food Oil

Ans: D

39. Which One is different:





Ans: C

40. ICE float over water because of:

Ans: Low density from Water

41. Microscore uses which lens:

Ans: Convex

42. First Organic compound Produced in Laboratory was:

A. Citric Acid

B. Ackzelic Acid

C. Nitric Acid

D. Urea

Ans: D

43. Which is organic Acid:

A. Citric Acid

B. Sulfuric Acid

C. Nitric Acid

D. Sulfuric Acid

Ans: A

44. Petrol Contains:

A. Carbon+ Udajan

45. Carrier of parasite plasmodium:

A. Fly

B. Mosquito


D. Air

Ans: B

46. Color of leave is green because:

Ans: It reflect Green color and absorb other colors

47. Making of Curd from Milk is because of:

A. Virus

B. Bacteria

C. Prozoa

D. Other

Ans: B

48. H5N1 influenza is:

A. Goat flu

B. Bird Flu

C. Horse Flu

D. Cow Flu

Ans: B

49. Baby Blue Syndrome is because of:

A. Phasphate

B. Sulphate

C. Carbonate

D. Nitrate

Ans: D

50. Plant on Rocks are called:





Ans: D

51. Collection of preserved plant specimens:

A. Harbarium

B. Sanatorium

C. Planetarium

D. Sabhaghar

Ans: A

52. Which one is known as "Flame of the Forest" is:

A. Butea monosperma

B. Bauhinia variegata

C. Jacaranda mimosifolia

D. Tectona grandis

Ans: A Butea monosperma(PALAS)

53. Which of following is Mammals:

A. Sharka

B. Skiwd

C. Octopus

D. Wheal

Ans: D

54. Ozon Layer save earth from:

Ans: Dangerous Rays from Sun

55. Raman effect is used in:

A. Sun Glasses

B. Space ships

C. Atom Bomb

D. Intelligence devices

Ans: A

56. On July 2010, Which vehicle of ISRO launches 5 Satellite:





Ans: B

57. Highest cattle fair is held in Rajasthan's district:

Ans: Nagaur

58. Which one is wrong:

A. Western rajasthan mostly have salty water lakes

B. Sambhar lake is biggest Salty water lake of India

C. Nakki Lake is deepest lake of Rajasthan

D. Rajsamand Lake is situated 64 km from Udaipur in Udaipur dist..

Ans: D

59. Mewanagar is known for:

A. Parshwanath Jain Temple

D. Dry Fruits

C. For Jeera Production

D. Handicrafts

Ans: A

60. Ganga Canel was constructed in year:

A. 1930

B. 1927

C. 1944

D. 1921

Ans: B

61. New Industrial and Investment Policy 2012 have:

Ans: Non promotions of PPP

62. RIICO recently sighn MOU with which Japani Company:

A. JetrO

B. Hetro

C. Honda Ceol

D. Mitsubhishi

Ans: D

63. 600 Acre land alloted to which car manufacturing company in Khuskhera, Bhiwani:

A. Ford

B. Toyata

C. Honda Ceol

D. Wolkswagon

Ans: C

64. 14 NELB, 1JV, 2 Nomination Blocks are related to:

A. Zypsum

B. Gold

C. Petrol

C. Lignite

Ans: C

65. Rajasthan Govt and railway introduced which tourist train on 11 Jan. 2012:

A. Princely Rajasthan on wheel

B. Royal rajputana on wheel

C. Great Rajputana on wheel

D. Royal Rajasthan on wheel

Ans: D

66. "CHAPPANIYA KA KAL" held in year:

A. 1899-1900

B. 1905-1906

C. 19561958

C. 1888-1889

Ans: A

67. 70 Degree East longitude passes through:

A. Jodhpur

B. Jaisalmer

C. Dholpur

D. Nagaur

Ans: Jaisalmer

68. District spread in North-South Direction is:

A. Jhalawar

B. Bhilwara

C. Chittorgarh

D. Jhunjhunu

Ans: C

69. "CHAPPAN BESIN" is situated at:

A. Alwar

B. Banswara

C. Pali

D. Tonk

Ans: B

70. Desert is spread in Rajastha's total area of:

A. More than 60%

B. Less than 305

C. 40%

D. 50%

Ans: A

71. Minimu air Pressure during May Month is at:

A. Bundi

B. Baran

C. Jaisalmer

D. Rajsamand

72. Famous English Historian during 19th century who wrote about Rajasthan is:

A. Col. James Tod

B. LP Tesitori

C. Jorge Greyrsan

D. Jon Thomas

Ans: A

73. Who repaired the Achalgarh fort::

A, Ratan singh

B. Sanga

C. Kumbha

D. Rajsingh

Ans: C

74. Rajasthan's Historian who is also socialite:

A. Mankaran sharda

B. Harbilas Sharda

C. CK Walteyar

D. Jamanalal Bajaj

Ans: B

75. Which Folk deity has Longest Song:

A. Jeen mata

B. Aae mata

C. Mallinath Ji

D. Ramdev Ji

76. Which King of Rajasthan contributed for Banaras Hindu Universtiy:

A. Fateh singh

B. Ummed singh

C. Mansingh -II

D. Ganga singh

Ans: D

77. RAPRAMUKH of rajasthan on 25 march 1948 was appointed:

A. Dholpur king

B. Karauli King

C. Kota King

D. Sirohi King


78. First Corporate Samiti in 1905 in rajasthan was formed at:

A. Bhinai, Ajmer

B. Jawala, Nagaur

C, Gulabpura, Bhilwara

D. Bassi, Jaipur

Ans: A

79. As per 2003 records, District with Highest Density and Animals is:

A. 144, Dungarpur

B. 150 Barmer

C. 160, Bikaner

D. 165, Bharatpur

Ans: A

80. National Ayourvedic Institute is situated at:

A, Jaipur

B, Jodhpur

C. Udaipur

D. Kota

Ans: A

81. Dhaman, Karad and Anjan is:

A. type of sheep

B. Singer of Gawari dance

C. Type of grass

D. Type of seeds

Ans: C

82. Bank of Rajasthan was merged into:





Ans: B

83. Kehrani of Bhiwari was in news because of:

A. Scent Gobin Glass factory

B. Divya Pharmesy

C. Toyota Motors

D. Honda Ceol

Ans: A

84. Which country has highest loan from world bank after India:

A. South Africa

B. Brazil

C. Iran

D. Maxico

Ans: D

85. CM of Karnataka is:

A. BS Yedurappa

B. SM Krishna

D. Devegoda

D. Rohiyah

Ans: A

87. During 2010, Naga students protest which state is highest affected:

A. Nagaland

B. Manipur

C. Arunachal Pradesh

D. Mijoram

Ans: B

88. Who is secretary of Ministeries:

A. JK Pillai

B. Chandrashekar

C. T Shrinivasan

D. Madhukar Gupta

89. Who appointed Jharkhand CM in sept. 2010

A. Shibu Soren

B. Arjun Munda

C. Subodh kant sahay

D. Madhu koda

Ans: B

90. Who is chaiman of CII

A. Rahul Bajaj

B, M Dalmiya

C. Hari Bhartiya

D. Sunil Mittal

Ans: C

91. MNC Posco want to invest Rs. 52000 Crore in:

A. Chhattisgarh

B. Jharkhand

C. West bengal

D. Orrisa

Ans: D

92. G8 Muskoka is related to:

A. International Terrorism

B. Maternal and Child health

C. International Clash

D. Greenhouse gases

Ans; B

93. ST category belongs to:

A. Hindu

B. No limited to religions

C. Hindu and Christians

D. Hindu and Muslims

Ans: C

94. Writer of "One night @ Call center":

A. Anurag mathur

B. Vikram seth

C. Lahidi

D. Chetan Bhagat

Ans: D

95. Maradona belongs to:

A. Argentina

B. Brazil

C. Spain

D. Italy

Ans: A

96. PM of UK is:

A. Tony Bleyar

B. Gardon brown

C. David camron

D. David Miliband

Ans: C

97. President of Iran is:

A. M Khomeni

B. E Mousavi

C. M. Ahmedenejad

D. S. Chisti

Ans: C

98. Which country is not part of SAARC:

A. Afganistan

B. Bhutan

C. Maldiv

D. Mayanmar

Ans: d

99. Headquarter of CAIRN energy is situated at:

A. Scotland

B. South Coria

C. Brazil


Ans: A

100. "Graveyard of dinosaurs" is:

A. China

B. Montana

C. Argentina

D. Brazil

Ans: B

Saturday, October 5, 2013

भारतीय संविधान

भारतीय संविधान

1. भारतीय संविधान तदर्थ न्‍यायाधीशों की नियुक्ति की व्‍यवस्‍था कहॉं करता है?

2. भारत में पंचायती राज से संबंधित 73वां संशोधन अधिनियम कब लागू हुआ?

3. जम्‍मू कश्‍मीर का संविधान कब लागू हुआ?

4. भारत में किसी नये राज्‍य की स्‍थापना किसकी अनुमति से की जा सकती है? ...

5. नीति निर्देशक तत्‍वों का क्रियान्‍यवन किस पर निर्भर करता है?

6. भारत सरकार का कौन सा पदाधिकारी संसद के किसी भी सदन की कार्यवाही में भाग ले सकता है?

7. भारतीय संविधान में प्रदत्‍त मूलभूत अधिकारों को कौन निलम्बित कर सकता है?

8. किसकी अनुमति के बिना राज्‍य की विधान सभा में कोई धन विधेयक पेश नहीं किया जा सकता?

9. वित्‍तमंत्री केन्‍द्रीय बजट को लोकसभा में किस दिन प्रस्‍तुत करता है?

10. वित्‍त आयोग की स्‍थापना का प्राविधान संविधान के किस अनुच्‍छेद के अन्‍तर्गत किया गया है?

11. स्‍वतंत्र भारत के प्रथम लोक सभा अध्‍यक्ष कौन थे?

12. वर्तमान में भारत के लोकसभा उपाध्‍यक्ष कौन हैं?

13. किस वाद में सर्वोच्‍च न्‍यायालय ने मूल अधिकारों में संशोधन करने की संसद की शक्ति को मान्‍य किया?

14. किस संशोधन विधेयक के द्वारा अनुसूचित जाति एवं जनजाति आयोग को वैधानिक दर्जा दिया गया?

15. भारतीय संविधान के किस अनुच्‍छेद के अन्‍तर्गत जम्‍मू-कश्‍मीर को विशेष दर्जा प्राप्‍त है?


1. उच्‍चतम न्‍यायालय में

2. 24 अप्रैल, 1994 को

3. 26 जनवरी, 1957

4. संसद की अनुमति से

5. सरकार के पास उपलब्‍ध संसाधनों पर

6. महान्‍यायवादी (एटार्नी जनरल)

7. राष्‍ट्रपति

8. राज्‍यपाल

9. फरवरी के अन्तिम कार्य दिवस में

10. अनु0 250

11. गणेश वासुदेव मावलंकर

12. करिया मुण्‍डा

13. केशवानन्‍द भारती वाद

14. 65वां संविधान संशोधन

15. अनु0 370